Chapter 5-Shocked

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Styxx's pov

Arrogant-someone who is full of self-worth or self-importance and who tells and shows that they have a feeling of superiority over others.

Well shit, that right there was my father in a nut shell. Every last word.

He preaches that we should treat everyone as equals, but somehow doesn't feel as if that rule applies to himself. You can tell by the way he interacts with others, and by the way he walks around, his chest puffed out, phony smile in place, and even more phony laugh.

The only good thing about his arrogance, is that he must think the apple didn't fall far from the tree, that's why he doesn't question me for remaining stotic throughout this event. Which is a good thing, because besides scowling, this was pretty much my permanent expression.

When he ordered me to be here early to help out, what he really meant was, come and do all the work while he and Alpha Alden walked around looking important. The only upside to being stuck at the three pack sized BBQ's was that Zarek was also stuck back here, and I didn't have time to go mingle with the others.

I could hear all the females annoying voices from where I was just fine, no need to go get up close and personal. However that didn't stop them from coming over here to check out the meat. Both on the BBQ, and off.

Did the idiots not realize that flirting with myself or Zarek wouldn't change the fact that we weren't their mates? Judging by the eye fucking and seductive smiles we were recieving, I'd say no they didn't.

Once upon a time, I welcomed that sort of behavior, but I wasn't that person anymore, as a matter of fact, I was never really that person to begin with but my actions said differently. Given my colorful reputation, I can see why they'd think it was gonna get them somewhere. Of course my reputation may be a little bit over exaggerated, but all good rumors had a certain amount of exaggeration to them afterall.

I check my watch, then groan over the fact that it was only seven-thirty. Fuck me, at least two more hours to go.

Zarek was watching the crowd of people more than he was his own grill, which resulted in a fair amount of burnt offerings. I'd say it was no big deal, but our kind usually liked our meat rare, not the inedible shit he was serving.

Guilt momentarily takes over as the emotion of the hour. It's my fault he's so hopeful that she'll be here tonight. She, as in his mate. For the last two years he's been so busy babysitting me on the Blood Moon, that he hasn't had much of a chance to attend one of these gatherings for more than twenty minutes.

He always goes just long enough for someone to recognize him, and he makes sure to grab two drinks, then says he needs to get back to where I am with mine. The ruse has worked flawlessly six times in a row, but unfortunately there was no getting out of tonights.

I've told him numerous times that he can go without me, but the fucker insists that he'll go when I go. There's just no talking sense into some people, and he was one of those people. I would have been more than content to just sit in the back of his car and drink until I blacked out, alone.

Contrary to popular belief, misery does not love company, take it from someone who knows.

Smoke starts billowing out of his grill again, and I go over and lift the lid, then contain the fire that's engulfed the steak. I swear he was doing this on purpose.

"Why don't you go for a walk, since your more of a hindrance here anyways." I scowl over at him.

Before he can tell me where to go, his father, Alpha Alden, comes over. "Having troubles here?" He questions while laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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