Chapter 1

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June, 1944. The First Platoon was getting aboard the ship right after colonel Davis had finished his speech. Sergeant Pierson was following lieutenant Turner when he spotted a young woman walking by the colonel's side in the escort of two officers. Not averting his eyes from her, Pierson accidentally bumped into a jeep and with a loud thud landed on its hood. Some soldiers slowed down, probably wondering whether he was drunk. Hearing some whispers behind his back, Pierson quickly got up and one angry glare was enough to scare them off. ''Havin' fun, huh?! Seems to me that you all wanna skip breakfast tomorrow.''

When Pierson looked over his shoulder, one of his soldiers was still babbling instead of moving on. ''I'm telling you, Daniels, I really saw a nice gal coming with Davis. Do you think she is his daughter? If she is, then I will consider choosing a military career.'' Right then he was hit in the back of his head. ''Don't stand in the way, Zussman.''

''Is everything alright?'' - asked concerned Turner, who simply wanted to calm him down before that little commotion would be noticed by Davis. ''Don't tell me you've been drinking. Listen, maybe I should be on watch tonight-''

''It's MY turn tonight so you should take a rest.'' Turner said nothing, seeing that Pierson was in a bad mood as usual. Then to them came an officer to announce that Davis wanted to see them immediately in his office. They exchanged confused looks, wondering why out of a sudden Davis wanted to talk with them in private, and in a hurry followed the officer. 

After entering the main office, they saluted and stood in front of the desk next to which was sitting the woman Pierson had seen previously, now peacefully sipping a tea. ''There's something I need to tell you, gentlemen. Until now I had to keep it a secret because of its importance. I hope I can trust two of my best men.''

''Of course, sir.'' - confirmed Turner in a serious tone.

Davis got up from his creaky chair and made his way toward his subordinates. ''I assigned a special aid to the First Infantry Division, 16th Infantry Regiment. It means that you, lieutenant Turner, will have one more soldier under your command.'' Pierson glanced questionable at Turner, who only shrugged. ''Miss?'' Davis turned around and nodded at the woman to come closer. ''Gentlemen, this is Gloria Barson. She is on a mission here but that's all you need to know right now.'' Gloria slightly bowed her head in front of two stunned men. When she made eye contact with Pierson, she smirked at him and Pierson quickly looked away. It was enough to make his heart flutter. ''Miss Barson, I mean, now private Barson, meet your new commander, lieutenant Joseph Turner, and his second-in-command, sergeant William Pierson.'' Turner knew that his sister was sent on a mission but not that she was in his squad. At the same time as Turner reached out his hand for a handshake Gloria saluted but when Turner tried to correct that mistake and saluted, Gloria was ready for a handshake. ''Are you two done?'' - asked Pierson, who was just standing with his arms crossed. But Davis was more impatient and cleared his throat loudly. ''You will later get to know each other. I have a meeting to attend now so I'm leaving her in your good care.'' And with that said, Davis quickly left them in awkward silence. ''Okay.'' Turner was first to break the ice and kindly smiling, turned to Gloria. ''Follow me, miss, I mean, private.'' He took her bags in both his hands and the two of them went ahead of Pierson. ''Great. Just great.'' - mumbled under his nose Pierson before he followed them.

''There are no separate rooms so you have to sleep in the same place as soldiers. But don't worry, soldiers with higher ranks have a little better conditions than others.'' - said Turner before kicking the door to open it for Gloria. Of course her presence there had to draw soldiers' attention. They were looking down on her but she tried her best to ignore them and made her way through the crowded corridors. Coming over to a bunk bed, Turner put down her things next to it and said to her: ''It'll be better if you take the upper part, the lowest one will be for Pierson.''

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