Chapter 79:

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'Dilara,' a deep voice whispers from behind me.

I don't know why I'm walking down a pitch black corridor, and I don't know how I got here.

I keep on going down it, and it seems never ending.

'Dilara,' the voice whispers again, right behind my left ear.

It sends shivers down my spine. The voice sounds so familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

'DILARA!' It yells, pushing me from behind. I fall to the ground and turn around.

There he stands in front of me, his rotting corpse standing upright.

Half his face melting, those scars on his chest, the bullet hole in the middle on his forehead and those grey eyes.

He holds a gun up to my forehead.

'You're going to end the same way I did,' he snarls. 'They're coming for you.'

He pulls the trigger and the gunshot fades.

I wake up screaming and my phone ringing.

I'm in my bed and I'm sweating so much. My throat hurts from screaming so much.

I look around for my phone and find it under my pillow.

Mum flashes across the screen.

I haven't spoken to her since she was at my house which was nearly over two months ago.

I wipe my eyes and answer my phone.

'Hello?' I ask.

'Dilara cariño,' she says.

Translation: Sweetie

'What do you want mum?' I ask.

'I need a little favour,' she slurs.

'Do you want me to call Antonio?' I ask.

'No, we broke up,' she explains. 'Could you please pay for my hotel I left my cards in his car.'

'Do you not have Apple Pay?'

'You know I don't trust that stuff,' she replies.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

What can I do? At the end of the day she's still my mother.

'I'm done doing shit for you, eres un adulto deberías poder cuidarte a ti mismo, and not leave me to do everything for you!' I snap.

Translation: you are an adult you should be able to take care of yourself

'Esa no es manera de hablarme,' she slurs.

Translation: that's no way to talk to me

'I'll pay for your room and then I'm done, you're on your own from now.' I end the call before she can reply and pay for her room.

I throw my phone across the bed and burst into silent tears.

All I remember form that nightmare was Adriano's grey eyes.

Those piercing grey eyes.

The ones I miss so much.

I'm not hyperventilating, I'm not screaming. I'm just letting my emotions out.

I need some fresh air.

I grab one of the black fleeces I took from Adriano's wardrobe and put it over my sports bra and pair of shorts.

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