Chapter 19

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Liam POV

I was lying in bed, scrolling through my emails when I heard a soft knock on the door.

“Come in.” I said, not looking up from my phone.

It was probably Ezra, coming to tell me about Lucy’s fever. I asked him to check on her again before going to bed.

“Liam.” Lucy’s voice made me snap my eyes to her immediately.

She looked terrible. Her face was pale and coated in sweat. There were red circles under her eyes, and she looked like she was in pain.

My heart almost jumped out of my body.

I got off the bed and ran toward her. She leaned on the doorframe, barely managing to keep herself up.

“Oh, God, love, what happened?!” I yelled.

“I think I need to see a doctor.” she said quietly.

I grabbed her and picked her up in my arms. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I wrapped her legs around my waist.

I heard doors around us opening and gasps breaking the silence.

“Lucy!” Theo screamed and ran toward us.

He tried to take her away from me, but I stopped him. The look he gave me made it clear he wanted to burry me 6 feet underground.

I didn’t give a shit really.

“I’m taking her to the hospital.” I said, trying to stay calm. “Get dressed and meet us there.”

He was going to freak out. I knew it.

I turned around, not waiting for him to answer. I heard him and Noah running back into their rooms. Ezra followed me, looking worriedly at Lucy. He was still dressed, so I knew he would be coming to the hospital with me.

“Is Nate on call?” Ezra asked.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Call him and tell him to get there as soon as possible if he isn’t already there.”

Ezra nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Before making the call, he turned back around.

“Noah!” he yelled. “Don’t let Theo drive to the hospital!”

“I know!” I heard Noah screaming back.

Theo driving right now was a terrible idea. Noah is a safer option.

We got to Ezra’s car, and I sat in the back with Lucy in my arms. I didn’t even try to move her away. I fastened a seatbelt around both of us and Ezra started driving.

His phone connected to the car’s Bluetooth, and a few moments later, I heard Nate’s voice.

“Why are you calling me at this hour?” Nate asked.

“Are you at the hospital?” Ezra ignored his question.

“Yes.” Nate answered.

“Good.” Ezra said. “Lucy is sick. We will be there in 10 minutes.”

“I’m waiting.” Nate answered calmly and ended the call.

I tightened my grip around Lucy and kissed the top of her head. “You will be okay, love.”

She mumbled something I couldn’t understand and groaned in pain.

My heartbeat got impossibly fast.

What the hell is going on?!

Ezra looked at her through the rearview mirror and started driving faster. Normally, I would scold him for going over the speed limit, but I couldn’t give a fuck right now. My baby was in pain, and I would break every rule in the book to help her.

Ezra’s phone rang. Theo was calling him.

Ezra groaned before picking up the call.

“Are you there?” Theo’s panicked voice reached us. “Where is she? Is she okay?”

“We are driving, Theo.” Ezra said calmly. “We will be there in a few minutes. She is in pain, but she will be okay. Nate is there.”

“She is in pain?” Theo asked, his voice breaking.

“I am okay, Theo.” Lucy said slowly. “Don’t worry about me.”

“Lucy?!” Theo exclaimed like he was surprised to hear her voice. “I will be right there, okay? Don’t worry.”

“Okay, Theo.” she said quietly and leaned her head back on my shoulder.

Ezra hung up. We were close to the hospital.

“What hurts, Lucy?” Ezra asked her.

“My stomach.” she answered weakly.

“Did you throw up?” I asked, stroking her hair.

She nodded, and I frowned. “When?”

“Before I came into your room.” she said.

“Okay, honey, we are here.” Ezra said. “You will be okay.”

Ezra parked, and I carefully got out of the car. We walked into the hospital and headed to the reception when I heard Nate’s voice.

“Liam!” he called me.

I turned around and saw him, waiting in front of the elevator.

“I signed her in.” he said. “I will take you up to your exam room.”

I had most of the shares in this hospital, and that came with the benefit of an entire floor reserved just for us.

We entered the elevator, and Nate looked at Lucy.

“Hey, Lucy.” he said softly. “You probably don’t remember me, but we knew each other when you were little. I’m Nate, your brothers’ friend.”

“Hi, Nate.” she said weakly.

“Don’t worry, kiddo, you will be just fine.” he said before looking up at me. “Is Theo okay?”

He knew how overprotective Theo was.

“Freaking out.” I answered.

Nate nodded just as we reached our floor.

We left the elevator and walked into an exam room. I carefully placed Lucy on the bed. She unwrapped her arms from my neck and smiled at me.

“Thank you, Bubba.” she said, making my heart skip a beat.

“I love you, Sunshine.” I said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Nate sat down on the chair and rolled over to the bed. I moved away so he could sit in front of her.

“Okay, kid.” he smiled. “Can you show me where it hurts?”

Lucy nervously glanced up at Ezra and me. She gulped and gave us an apologetic look.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Could you please wait outside?” she said quietly.

“Why, honey?” Ezra asked, confused.

She fidgeted with her fingers. “Please.”

Nate looked up at us. “Go wait outside, okay? I will do the exam and I will inform you about everything. Don’t worry.”

I looked at my sister. Why doesn’t she want us in here? Is she hiding something?

Ezra grabbed my arm and gently pulled me out of the room.

I closed the door behind us with a heavy feeling in my chest.

What is she not telling us?

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