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It was the morning of the wedding. Anxiety was through the roof for Athena and Tobias. They both paced in their rooms, reciting their vows in their head. Athena had already puked three times, it could have been from all the alcohol she consumed last night or the fact that she was getting married in five hours.

Tobias wasted no time texting his sister every second to see how Athena was. Of course, Piper didn't respond. She thought it was adorable that her younger brother was freaking out over a girl.

He was nervous, to say the least.

"Tobias, sit down and breathe." Eros squeezed his shoulder.

Tobias sat down on the couch, letting out a sigh.

"Bro, I'm tripping out."

"I can tell. It's just Athena." Eros put his feet on the table.

"To you, it's just your sister. For me, she's the love of my life. My woman." He huffed. "And today we're getting married."

"Simp!" Oliver walked in. "Simp!"

"Simp!" Jacob joined in.

"You guys aren't making it any better." Anteros shook his head.

"Bro it's Athena! You've been with her every day. What's different about today besides you two getting married." Eros said. "Just breathe. I'm sure she's feeling the same thing."

"I'm gonna puke, again." Athena nervously said. "Val, hand me that bucket."

"Just breathe Athena." Valeria handed her the bucket before pulling Athena's hair back. She scrunched her face before looking away.

"Okay, I'm here, I'm here." Beverly hurried in with a bag. "She's still throwing up?"

Valeria nodded.

"Lord. Here Thena. Take this Tylenol and drink this."

Athena sluggishly looked up. She grabbed the Tylenol before downing it with whatever was in the bottle. She gagged.

"Bev, what's in this?"

"A remedy my herbal specialist made. It's the perfect cure for hangovers. Drink the whole bottle and then lay down for thirty minutes. You'll be cured."

Athena nodded. She closed her eyes tight before chugging the entire bottle.

"That's faster than last night. She took down a whole bottle of wine." Skylar said while grabbing the bucket. "I'll get this taken care of."

"That's disgusting." Athena huffed.

"Ah, the Beverly juice. It works wonders." Anteros walked in.

"Oh Ant! I'm so glad to see you." Athena let out an exasperated sigh.

"You look like shit."

"I feel like it." She sighed.

"Tobias is freaking out so I think you should send him a letter or something."

"He's freaking out?" She pouted. "That's so cute."

"That's so cute." Piper nodded in agreement.

"Wait let me write something." She looked around.

Valeria handed her a paper and pen. Athena stood up, stumbling in the process, before sitting at the vanity. She thought to herself before starting.

"After this letter, rest! I'm running like a chicken with its head cut off. If you need me call." Beverly looked at her watch before walking off.

"I'll keep her sane." Piper stood up.

Athena nodded before focusing on the letter.

Dear loverboy,
It's me (Athena)! Your soon-to-be wife. I know, that sounds scary. To say I'm freaking out is an understatement, I've puked four times now (TMI? Sorry). I'm scared. I am, but when I think of something that could calm me down, my mind traces back to you. Thinking about you puts my mind at ease. Marriage is a title but what we make it to be is what matters. I love you Tobias and I can't wait to see you. I'd kill to see you right now. I wish I could be there and hold you while we go through this scary (but magical) time. One day being apart hurts, but if that's the sacrifice of spending my entire life with you, I'm okay.

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