Chapter Thirteen. Let's be Alone Together

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// (No spell check, I like to live life on the edge...) //

He was woken up by the ringing of the phone in the middle of the silent apartment. He reached out with his eyes still closed and felt around until he recognised the shape of his phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" He murmured in his husky morning voice.

"Hello, are you still in bed?" The voice of Izzy came through the phone making him turn to his side and start opening his eyes.

"No..." He lied. She let out a sigh.

"I take it as a yes." She sounded tired.

"Do you..." Bill cleared his voice so it wouldn't sound so husky. "Do you still want to go to Caroline's office?"

"I do." She said. "Just don't take long okay? I'm outside."

"Outside? You came here?" Bill jumped up. He forgot about the fact that he was only wearing his boxers and ran out of bed while still clearing his eyes. "Why didn't you say that before?" He opened the door and found her out in the hall looking around, the lift was still in the same place and the door next door still had the Christmas decorations up. He hung up and she turned around.

"I knew you'd still be in bed." She blushed as she stared, Bill caught on her and her eyes darted away to the wall. 

"Yeah, come in. I'll be ready in a few minutes." Bill moved aside to let Izzy walk inside his apartment. She waited in the living room, admiring the lack of tidiness in the place.

While Bill had a quick shower Izzy looked around at the couple of pictures in the room, she remembered being there and seeing them, but now she realized how she lacked of this sort of decoration in her own flat. She only had a picture of her mother in her nightstand but nothing else.

"Alright, I'm done but I really need some coffee..." She smiled at him and jumped up from the sofa, following him to the kitchen.

She knew this place so well from the little time she spent there. She remembered the bedroom very well too, although thinking about this she blushed and had to hide her face by drinking from her hot cup of coffee.

"I forgot I didn't like coffee." She smiled at him as she tasted the hot drink.

"Sorry, you should finish it though, was it a long night?" She nodded.

"The phone rang a couple times but the kidnapper didn't talk until the fourth call, he sounded so strange, as if he was high or something... the mother couldn't stop crying."

"Did he say what he wants?" Izzy nodded.

"Of course, he wants money. Half a million." She said.

"Pounds?" Bill was worried. She nodded. "Well, I wonder how they are going to get that money..."

"They won't have to, we'll find Henry."

"The boy."

"He's got a name, Bill." Izzy drank more from her cup as Bill shook his head.

"Don't do this to yourself; it's like naming an ant before you step on it." Bill gave her a look as she held the cup in both of her hands without saying anything else. "And if it comes to it, they'll have to get the money."

"If it comes to it, I'll give them a hand." She finished whatever was left of her coffee. "Come on, we need to get there."

Izzy sat in silence with Bill, she was clearly not in the mood to talk but he pushed her into it anyway. He had noticed that she was wearing the same clothes as last night but her hair was pulled into a ponytail and her eyes looked very tired.

"So why are you grumpy this morning?" Bill wondered.

"Because you won't shut up." She said but smiled at him. Bill nodded and shrugged. "Philip and dad are...getting along too well."

"Doesn't seem to be a problem." Bill said but he wasn't happy to be reminded that she had a boyfriend.

"Philip doesn't want me around you and dad agrees. I mean... did you really have to make him mad?"

"I'm not going to apologise." Bill said sincerely.

"I'm just going to turn gay; maybe girls don't make such big trouble..." She commented half-jokingly.

"Take my advice: they do." Bill said. "Look where I am! For you... only because of you."

"I'm flattered." Izzy muttered. "You got me to the Netherlands for four years. I think we should stay away from everyone."

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan." Bill said.

"Let's stay away from everyone, together." She said.

"Imagine Georg, he probably doesn't know where to turn by now." Bill said as he checked his mirrors to park the car.

"Maybe he knows something we don't." Izzy pointed out.

Bill nodded before opening the car door and stepping outside. He saw her walk to the other side of the road; she was wearing skinny jeans and a pink sweater over her white blouse. The red coat protected her from the cold February wind. He walked next to her into the building as she charmed her way past the receptionist – who happened to be a young boy – and into the lift.

"And what are we looking for?" Bill asked.

"I don't know... Look for anything in her desk that she didn't mention. Maybe she had a lover or-" Bill cut her off.

"I doubt it. Ruben adores her and the kid." She turned to look at him with a serious expression in her face.

"Not both parties in a marriage have to adore each other, Bill, but I do believe she adores her child."

The rest of the way up they kept it quiet, Bill was wondering what she could be meaning with that but she said nothing else and he was too scared to ask.

When they stepped out of the lift she was the one who approached a guy in a cubicle and asked for Caroline Jensen. He pointed at a cubicle near the meeting room; she thanked him and made Bill follow her. Once they reached the little grey cubicle they stared at a completely neat desk with pictures of her husband and child next to the phone, she had a little board with a calendar stuck to it; Izzy walked into the small work station and read the notes on the calendar. She noticed several doctor appointments with different doctors. She turned to look at Bill as he went through Caroline's drawers.

"Bill, look." She told him and turned back to the calendar to take her phone out and take a picture. "Bill!" She nudged him.

"What?" He turned to her and then at the calendar once she pointed it out. "Yes, so?"

"You're the detective here; you tell me what you see?" Bill gave the calendar a quick glance and then turned back at her. "Are we going to the doctor now?"

"The doctors, she had an appointment the day Henry was kidnapped." She said. "Come on, help me find the agenda." She looked at the desk first.

"Wait." Bill pulled an envelope from the bottom drawer; he held it up as it had the hospital's name on it. "We might not have to go anywhere else..." Izzy stood next to him as he took the sheet of paper out of the envelope. He unfolded the sheet and revealed blood test results with Caroline's name on them. They turned to look at each other as they read the results.

"Do you think Ruben knows?" Izzy felt even more worried when Bill shook his head.

"No, that man's going to die when he finds out."


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I might be uploading everyday next week, we'll see how that goes...

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