~28 (end)~

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During the lovebirds' date, the members wait anxiously for them to come back, hoping it went well. "I mean it's Namjoon Hyung guys, who would not want to date him?" Jungkook points out as they all sit around the living room, some on their phones, mostly Yoongi, and most of them talking. "We all know you're in love Namjoon Hyung so you have no room to talk!" Jiming laughs along with some giggles from the rest. Jungkook just slumps in his chair and pulls out his phone. 

"I mean I do agree with Jungkook, have you seen them around each other? They already act like a couple, why not just make it offic-" A car can be heard pulling up on the street below them. The eager boys all jump from their spots and look out the window. A tiny Namjoon, because of high up they were, and a tiny Y/N come out of the car hand in hand. "See I knew it went well!! Look at them!" Yoongi smiles to himself, happy it seems to have worked out. As they come up they go back to the living room waiting for them to enter.

As Namjoon and Y/N go up the elevator hand in hand they look at each other with such love and compassion for the other. Before all of this, they really did love either other, nothing is changing, just making it official. He is hers and she is his, they could not be any happier. 

As the couple enters and Namjoon smiles wide everyone runs up to them hugging and congratulating the new couple. As they sit in the living room and talk about how the date when Y/N gets a call from BigHit, she looks at Namjoon with a sorry look. "I probably need to take this"

"Hey, hey it is ok! Go ahead!" She gets up and walks out into the hallway answering the call as soon as the door shuts closed. "Good evening Y/N! How are you this night?" Bang PD says with a chipper tone in his voice, you can definitely hear the smile behind the phone. "I am good sir! How are you?" "Fantastic! I wanted to give you a heads up before Monday's meeting about your debut"

Her heart went to her ass at that moment, or that is how it felt. She knew there was a big meeting Monday but at the same time kinda forgot about it. "Y-yes! What about the meeting sir?" He clears his throat. "Now before I say this I knew there is something between you and Namjoon, but this is about your debut so you make the choice" 

'What is he talking about,' she thought

"Us and SM have talked and we would like for you and Jhonny from NCT to start dating, of course for cameras and media but this will be great for you and NCT alike-" He goes on and on but she doesn't hear a word from him. She just stands in complete shock, what would this do for her and Namjoon's relationship? "Oh and by the way, please don't tell Joon about this, he has a lot coming up and we don't want to stress him out do we?"

"n-no sir-" 

"Great! See you Monday bright and early!"


Hey, y'all Pointe here!

This is the end of book one for the vlive. I know I haven't posted in a while and now all of a sudden it's over! here is the thing my lovelies.

I want to move to more books. I have so many more interests now besides BTS like Valorant, TXT, Stray Kids and so much more. I would love to expand my writing to more than just this book. I love this story so much and this book made to realize Namjoon is my bias, so I owe a lot to this book. I want to give it the best it can have, so that is why I ended it and making a book 2 in the future! I hope you stick around and wait for the upcoming books and The Vlive book 2.

ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT MY TWITCH!! https://twitch.tv/whatyourpointe

I go live there and play games and talk to y'all so please stop by and let's hang out

thank you for your support of'' this book and I love you!

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