(10) Enchanted

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✩。:*•. ──────────  ☆ ──────────.•*:。✩

RHAENERYS SMILED AT THE MOST RECENT LETTER Robb had sent her, all but proposing to her and promising to marry her.

She clutched it to her chest and squealed, the girl laughing happily as she tucked it somewhere safe. Once she did, she greeted Ser Barris with a happy smile and nearly floated to the throne room where Viscerys had summed her.

Not even her uncle and his deathly glare could ruin her mood, for Rhaenerys was enchanted by Robb Stark and he by her.

"Yes uncle?" The girl offered him a bright smile and stood at his side, making Daenerys looking her niece in wonder.

Even Viserys was taken back by her happy attitude. But he ignored it, finding solace that he was going to ruin it soon enough.

"I need you to be dressed and looking like proper Lady by the time sun sets," He demanded, a sinister plan already on his mind.

Daenerys eyed her brother but said nothing as Rhaenerys simply nodded.

"Anything I should know about this?" The brunette asked. Viserys sneered at her.


And that was the end of their conversation. Rhaenerys wasn't even upset at his vagueness, knowing now not to expect anything else from Viserys.

It was sad, really, because when she was younger Rhaenerys adored her uncle. She remembered all the times he'd play with her and teach her everything about the throne he so desperately wanted to take back.

And Daenerys, not being much older than her, would be with her as they hung over his every word.

Those were the days that Rhaenerys missed the most. The days where time and greed hadn't yet affected her uncle.

But now, those days were long gone and so was that man. But thankfully now Rhaenerys had the future to look forward to, no thanks to Robb.

She found herself humming a tune that came into her head later that night, brushing her hair and putting on her best dress.

Daenerys had let it slip that apparently one of Robert's current Lords had been invited by Viserys to 'talk.' Whatever that meant, Rhaenerys only knew one thing.

Her uncle was up to no good, as usual.

She tried to ignore his smug smirk as he surprisingly came to walk her to the dining hall. Ser Barris was right behind his Princess, not trusting Viserys for anything. And when the time came, Rhaenerys finally saw why.

Her eyes locked onto those of Lord Roose Bolton, the much younger woman beside him, and finally his bastard son who wore a crude smirk.

From his expression, it looked as if he knew something she didn't. But Rhaenerys worried not, for Dragons did not concern themselves with simple men.

"Lord Bolton, Lady Bolton," Rhaenerys merely nodded at the man and his wife and watched with glee as Ramsey's smirk suddenly fell at her lack of response towards him.

Now it was her turn to smirk, Viserys watching the interaction with a scowl.

"My dear niece, it rude not to address all of our guests," He told her through tight teeth.

Rhaenerys turned to him with a blank stare. "Princesses should not concern themselves with the presence of bastards, I believe it was you that taught me that, uncle."

Stifled laugher came from her knight and from a few other places. Viserys' face dropped as he was exposed, but Rhaenerys thought it served him well to be embarrassed for once.

"Please forgive my niece," He told Lord Bolton quickly, "She had a rather rough upbringing."

"And to think you were the main one that raised her," Daenerys chimed in casually. "Ser Jorah, pass the peas will you?"

Jorah Mormont cleared his throat and did as his Khalissi said. Rhaenerys hid her laugh behind her potatoes.

"Well, they certainly have fire don't they?" Roose Bolton commented, much to the displeasure of his son. Ramsey was less than pleased with the Dragon girl, already thinking of way he could break past those scales. "I think Princess Rhaenerys may actually give my son a run for his money."

At this, Rhaenerys put down her fork in confusion. "What does that mean, Lord Bolton?" She made the mistake of asking. For Ramsey knew how to sniff out any ounce of weakness and was eager to use this against the girl.

"Why, he means that you will be a great match for me, of course." He wasted no time in explaining.

This caused the entire room to go quiet.

Viserys cleared his throat, finally ready to speak again.

"I have arranged that you marry Lord Bolton's son, Rhaenerys," He told her suddenly. "It will be a great alliance between us two. They are willing to leave Robert's side but only if they know what they are getting in return is better. And it just so happens- it will be. Smart men, these Bolton's," Viserys gave his false praises to his guests but found Rhaenerys was barely listening as anxiety began to pool in her chest.

With quick breathes, it brought great pleasure to Ramsey that the girl was caught off guard. He loved the way her Dragon hide seemed to shed, leaving a scared little wolf in its place.

"M-Marry...him?" Rhaenerys asked slowly. Lord Bolton nodded.

"A good match indeed," He said, but the only thing Rhaenerys could think about was Robb.

Panic and bile rose in her throat at marrying Ramsey of all people, tears of anger springing to her eyes. Not only that, Rhaenerys hated the thought of any man but Robb being able to touch her. For she had imagined many nights what it would be like when the Young Wolf finally took her maidenhood, and it brought great pleasure when she did.

But the thought of Ramsey touching her like that...

Rhaenerys suddenly stood up and slammed her fists on the table.

"No," She said simply, a tear falling down her cheek, before turning on her heel and running back to her quarters.

She ran faster than she ever had in her life, Ser Barris and Wrymrot hot on her feels. She could hear Viserys yelling at them to get out of the way but thankfully by the time all three of them caught up, Rhaenerys was already safely in her room.

She frantically searched for pen and paper to write on, and wasted no time writing to Robb.

Her tears stained the parchment and she jumped every time Viserys banged on the door. But alas, the girl refused to open it. For her heart already belonged to another and she'd be damned if she was given away to the cruel Bolton's to be their plaything.

ENCHANTED,   robb starkWhere stories live. Discover now