defence against the dutch arts

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After lunch, it was Defence Against the Dark Arts and they had a new teacher, Professor Smith. They were learning about disarming an opponent by reading about it in a book. Part way through the lesson, Neville whispered to Erik, "Dit is zo saai, nietwaar Erik?" Professor Smith walked up behind him and replied, "Denk je dat dat zo is, Neville? Misschien moeten we de klas een demonstratie geven als je denkt dat je dit al weet." Reluctantly, Neville stood up and walked to the front of the class. Professor Smith withdrew his wand from his sleeve and flourished it towards Neville, who retrieved his wand from a pocket in his robes. "Neville, je mag alleen de ontwapenende spreuk gebruiken, terwijl ik alle spreuken kan gebruiken." He said, firing a spell at Neville who frantically ducked behind a table. From the back of the room came a chant of "Death! Death! Death! Death!". Neville fired a disarming hex at the teacher, who watched in amusement as his wand was blasted out of his hand before taking another from the folds of his robes. "Daar ga je spijt van krijgen." Said Professor Smith before launching a multitude of curses at Neville, one of which hit its mark. Neville dropped to the floor, writhing in pain, as Eoghan cheered. "Class is now dismissed." Said the teacher, "You can do whatever you like for the rest of the day." He turned to leave the room but paused and demanded, "Someone clear that body off the floor." eoghan

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