Chapter 31: Captain

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Please Note: Statements between % something in italics % are game system messages.


With the arrival of people from the capital, the villagers of Fellon celebrated. Not only had the Queen ordered compensation but also free rebuilding of their boats and houses. For the fishermen that meant a great deal. However, whether the Queen was so generous or rather was just helping her father indirectly, was still in doubt.

In any case, it was certain that not many people knew about the relationship between Guran and Queen Katrina. Otherwise wouldn't he be considered a noble or a person of importance? Rather it would not be unusual for people to call him 'Lord' or something like that. But as far as Raka had seen, there was nothing like that. Ofcourse, he was considering things like it happened in real life history. This was the Ilmentia in the game of Long Island. Who knew how it worked in here!

"Guran, you are the father of the Queen?" Raka still had a few doubts.

"Yes, don't I look like I can have a daughter?" Guran sounded amused.

"Ah no...not that! It's just that...shouldn't you have become a noble or someone of importance? You are the Queen's father you know!" Raka said.

"Hahahahah.....A! Well, even if I could, I wouldn't want to. I like my free life." Guran smirked.

"What do you mean by if you could?" Raka asked.

"Ah..that was funny. You may not know this but even if you are a relative of the Queen, you cannot become a noble. Oh, she could give me an important post but a noble! Would the noble houses really allow that?! Even now, they don't like commoners as rulers! Those snobby farts only follow because this was a law made by the Oracle and they dare not offend her!" Guran grumbled.

"Oracle? Guran, do you know who or what the Oracle is?" Raka asked immediately.

"Ah I don't. I only ever heard Katrina talk about it when she became Queen. From what I heard, she is a very ancient person...very old...very powerful. Considering that she was the one who made the law, you can guess how old she is. Apart from that, I don't know. Rather, I am not interested. Learn this by heart lad. You do not want to know about people way powerful than you. Otherwise you will never get a good night's sleep." Guran advised.

While Guran went ahead to talk to the leader of the men who came, Raka thought to himself. 'Very old? How can she be this old? Is she even human then?' But then how could she be so old?

'Ah well, some things will become clear in time. No point thinking about it!'

"Raka, come here for a bit." Guran's voice reached his ears.

Raka lifted his head and approached Guran, who was discussing things with the leader, who turned out to be a guard captain.

"Raka, could you show me the designs to your house? If we are going to build everyone's houses, it's better to make them a bit stronger. I am thinkin' we could make it like your house, with some changes." Guran said.

"Sure. Though would the other's agree?"

"I doubt anyone would be foolish enough to not agree. Hahaha..." Guran smirked.

And just like that, with no quests and no money paid, Raka became the chief designer for the village. With some changes.

It was going to be long and hard work, as many houses had been trashed completely and needed to built anew. Even Raka's and Guran's houses, the only two survivors, had been stripped down to their foundations to be checked for damages. They were also being rebuilt. Raka had taken around 2 weeks in game time to build his own house. But with lots of people present, this speed went way up. They were building a house every 2-3 days. In fact, Raka could only work 1 of those 3 days, owing to his real life. But as he was the chief designer, his work was quite limited. Not to mention, most people wanted to customize their houses their own way, so Raka's role got a little more diminished.

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