chapter 2

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My legs swung in front of me as I let myself float on the swing in an eerily empty park. The sun was setting with a golden glow that felt like god's plan to lift my mood but it wasn't working. Nothing would. After all, I was torturing myself by trying to soothe my soul in the one place where I used to come.. with him.

Does it even matter now?

And that's when the realization crawled in, in just a matter of seconds, I had lost the love of my life as well as the only friend I've ever known. I had lost the only two people I thought I ever needed.

I let out a deep breath and switched my phone on. It had been unreachable for hours. My head was clouded as I realized that my whole life had revolved around people who never needed me.

Almost 30 missed calls and an inbox flooded with texts. They weren't concerned about where I was, they just wanted to come up with an explanation. Cassie, my best friend since first grade, was still typing out texts I was going to ignore.

"Please just listen to me once.."

"I never wanted this to happen!"

"We wanted to tell you, I swear to god..."

I close my eyes, too tired for tears. I quietly open Andrew's texts, my breath hitching to hold back a sob. And his texts were a spin-off of Cassie's. Made me think if they were together while deciding how to text me, laughing together at my sorry ass.

"We were about to tell you, you weren't supposed to find it out that way!"

"It's not her fault, it's mine. Please don't be mad at her!"

"I love her..."

My hands were shaking and my breath was rapidly increasing. It felt like someone was twisting my guts and it made me want to throw up.

The guy I was in love with, the guy I had devoted all I had to, was telling me that he was in love with my best friend. And that statement was supposed to justify him cheating on me. That was supposed to make it all make sense.

I needed a distraction, I need something else to cloud my mind. 

There had never been a single good use of the thoughts I've had about.. about Trevor James Garcia. He angered me to the point that I could even look past his perfect hazel eyes and wavy jet-black hair, even the tiny mole right below his lip.

Don't get me wrong, I'm an admirer of pretty people. But people like him could make anyone stop and stare. Redwood High had a good looking people but Trevor was just different. Always indifferent to the attention he got like he was totally unaware he was hot.

But he wasn't interested in any of the girls at school, not even one single sight of him kissing someone at parties or random one-night stands. At least not any that I knew of. It made me realize how shut off he was, like a closed door.

I don't even know much about him to hate him the way I do. But ever since that day, 3 years ago, he decided to ruin my life, we were hooked on our hating game.

When I entered the school and saw him standing right there watching me with a cocky grin on his face, I knew it wouldn't end well.

It was Monday, a month after Brian had finally asked me out and it still had me completely giddy and all smiles. Until I saw Trevor and froze. He was standing right next to the notice board which was a little more crowded than usual.

His smug smile made my smile fade away. The others were still whispering and gasping until they saw me. A moment of silence passed and then the area exploded with whispers of anticipation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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