2.03 Ice Cream for Kesha

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Jesse watches in amusement as Robbie tries his best to get Cat to talk to him while the little redhead refuses to even look in his direction.

"Cat," he nearly whines. "Cat, come on. You can't be mad at me over something I did in your dream."

"It's not what you did, Rob," Jesse tells him. "It's what you didn't do."

"Exactly!" Cat says with a firm nod.

Robbie looks at him in disbelief. "Seriously? You know about this dream?"

"Course I do." He points his fork in Cat's direction. "Cat called me when it woke her up."

Robbie turns to Cat next. "You call Jesse when you have bad dreams?"

"Of course, I do," she says like he should already know this.

"What if he didn't answer?" he asks curiously.

Cat frowns at him. "Jesse always answers," she says with utmost confidence.

Robbie rolls his eyes. "Okay, but what if he didn't?"

"I'd call Beck," she says simply.

"I- I don't..." Robbie trails off, shaking his head. "What exactly was this dream about? What didn't I do?"

Cat glares. "These little kids were trying to eat us, and you wouldn't even try to help me!" she explains. "You were just crying and yelling 'No! No! Don't eat me! Eat her! Eat her!'."

Jesse shakes his head and clicks his tongue. "I can't believe you wouldn't even help her," he playfully scolds. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

Robbie gives him a look before he turns back to Cat. "I'm sorry, and if a bunch of little kids ever really do try to eat us, I promise to..."

He trails off and Jesse finds himself biting back a laugh when he realizes why. Cat, on the other hand, is much less amused.

"Robbie!" she says, lightly smacking him on the arm.

"Well, why shouldn't they eat you first?" he asks as Tori and Andre join them at the table.

"Robbie!" she says again.

"What's going on?" Andre asks quietly.

Jesse shrugs. "Robbie would let a bunch of little kids eat Cat while he ran away."

Andre nods like the explanation makes any sense at all. "Understandable."

"I wanna live!" Robbie cries. "There's things I've never tried, things I really, really, really wanna do."

"What do you really, really, really wanna do?" Tori asks.

"Uh, ride a pony. Take a cooking class." Robbie gets quiet when he sees the looks they're all giving him. "Other things," he awkwardly adds.

Their attention shifts to Andre when he pulls a container of ice cream out of his bag and sets it on the table.

"Just ice cream?" Cat asks.


"That's what you're gonna eat for lunch?" Robbie asks with a point.

"Nope," Andre says simply. "It's been in my locker all day, so..."

Jesse frowns at him. "Andre, no."

"...I'm gonna drink it," he finishes, completely ignoring Jesse's advice as he upends the container and downs his melted ice cream.

"This is a terrible idea," Jesse goes on. "Why would you even wanna do that?"

"'Cause I wanna meet Kesha," Andre answers before he reaches into the empty ice cream container, pulls something out of the bottom, and licks it clean with a disappointed frown. "Aw, dang it!"

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