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Yibo's Pov.

"You can have the front." I told Xichen, preparing to head to the back seat.

"I'd be more comfortable in the back." He informed, rubbing his arm awkwardly.

"Alright, that's fine." I told him as I returned to the front. Zhan pulled out of the driveway and headed for the school. The first few minutes of the ride were silent, that's when Zhan turned on the radio. I giggled at Zhan's goofy dancing behind the steering wheel. He broke a smile and continued his dancing. My giggles turned into full-blown laughter, I heard Xichen chuckling in the back too. I guess this wouldn't be as bad as he'd thought.

The rest of the drive was pleasant. We goofed around a lot, and Xichen seemed to be doing fine. Several eyes landed on us as all three of us stepped out of the car. Zhan is one of the popular hunks from the football team so I assume all of the looks are for him. I and Xichen took off after Zhan was swarmed by a group of girls. I felt jealousy eating me up inside but I had no choice but to let it go.

Xichen and I split once we got inside. He
was off to find his group of friends, or
acquaintances rather.

"Hey Yibo." I heard Cindy call from down the hall as I reached my locker. I was happy to see her. Boy, did I have a lot to tell her?

"Hi." I smiled, popping open my locker.

"You look happy, what's up?" She asked
bouncing next to me. I explained what
happened last night, excluding the parts I found embarrassing.

"I think... I think he might like me...maybe..." I admitted shyly. Last night seemed so much like a date, and he held me as we slept, those signs would point to it being true. There are some mixed signals but fewer of them were present. She stopped hopping and looked surprised.

"I might ask him." I muttered, still with the shy smile eating at my face. "What do you think?" I asked, curious about her view on the situation.

"It seems like the plan is working so far. I think we should stick to it... just to be safe." She said with a slight frown forming on her face.

"Why? You really think it'll help?" I questioned. To be honest I think asking Zhan now is better than following the plan... but I said I'd trust her, and that's what I'll do.

"I do." She replied with confidence.

We went to class and listened to the teacher speak about things she didn't even understand. I spent most of that time doodling in one of my school books. My mind casually sifted through thoughts from Zhan, to Xichen, to my dad. How would he react when I get home? Would he even notice I was out?

Today is Friday meaning I don't have school tomorrow. I don't have any plans, and I don't have anyone to hang out with. I guess the best I could do was spend the day in the park reading or something,because there is no way I'm going to stay the whole day under the same roof as my father.

"Alright, class dismissed." Our biology teacher announced collecting folders from her desk. All the students stood, leaving the room in a hurry. They groaned as she handed them their homework on the way out. I was fine with it as I didn't have anything else to do. During free period I went to my locker to collect my things for the next class. The halls were pretty flooded with raving students everywhere. Me and Cindy were chatting about the football game this evening. We were both excited to cheer for Zhan, even if it was only a practice match. She told me the real game is on Sunday at five.

"Speak of the devil." Cindy chuckled. I turned around to see Zhan strutting down the hall. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as I watched the perfect locks of his hair bounce with every step he took. Everyone parted leaving an open path for him. That was either due to his stunning appearance and popularity or the giant crate of trophies and awards he was carrying. Just as he got close to me I felt someone shove me forward. I lost my footing and all control over my body. I was sent crashing into him, making the excessive amount of shiny awards fall from his hands with one too many shattering across the floor.

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