chapter forty-six

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Worth it

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Worth it. That's all I'm going to say about it.

Coach reamed into Emery and me pretty hard after he kicked Abby out. We probably would've gotten away with just a very pissed-off lecture if James wouldn't have run into the room and stepped on the fucking sheet he had wrapped around his hips, effectively pulling it down and flashing the entire team. We've all seen each other naked a million times in the locker room, but this was different, and he knew it because he grabbed for it quickly. But the damage was already done, and that's when Coach blew his fucking fuse.

He set a mandatory pre-dawn workout for us even though we were supposed to have the morning off, and because he really knows how to torture us, we spent nearly two hours cycling through sprinting drills and ab workouts.

I could feel the death glares of all of the underclassmen as Coach blew his whistle and called for us to get back onto the line for another round of keep-ups, but they couldn't be too mad because they know damn well we've all done some pretty stupid shit to get laid.

That seemed to be the consensus of the team when we walked back into the hotel after practice because Luke turned to me, James, and Emery with a wicked grin as he screamed across the lobby that he "hoped the pussy was worth it." I just grinned and flipped him off because, like I said before, it was.

He shook his head as he walked through the doors toward the two huge SUVs waiting for him and the rest of the underclassmen. We got a long lecture on the way back from the practice arena about keeping our heads clear today—which meant no drinking or getting into shit we know we shouldn't. He was staring at Micah and Luke the entire time, but they were just nodding along with dumbass grins on their faces because they knew damn well that no matter what he said, their asses were going to be at the strip club.

I declined when they invited me along because I've got my girl waiting for me out by the pool. That elicited a round of ball-busting and more whipping noises since they couldn't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that I'd rather hang out with my girlfriend than get a lap-dance by a stripper.

I took the elevator up with James, who was talking about meeting up with Jenny for brunch, and I was annoyed that Luke and Micah weren't around to hear it because if I got shit for going to the pool with Abby, he would have gotten eaten alive for going to fucking brunch. After changing into my swim trunks, I gave James a goodbye nod and made my way down to the pool.

Now that I'm walking out, I spot her instantly. She has Georgia in her arms as she bounces softly in the water, and my niece's giggles echo loudly around the pool area. When the toddler spots me, she screams my name as she waves excitedly.

Abby turns around quickly and smiles, and after handing off Georgia to Olivia, she swims to the edge to see me.

"Come on in, honey, we're teaching Georgia how to swim," my mom calls from her pool float. She has a margarita in her hand and the biggest sunhat I've ever seen on her head. She's in full vacation mode, and I can tell by her laugh that she's not on her first margarita. My dad's lounging on the pool chair behind me, and he tilts his hat up to nod at me as he grins. He lets his hat fall back over his face, relaxing back into the chair, and I swear I hear a snore seconds later.

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