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The boys emerge from the school, loaded down with numerous books in their hands. Charlie, Neil, and Meeks had some off Cove's books because, again, they wouldn't let her hold her own books.

"That was weird." The Overstreet girl nodded in agreement as they walked around outside, speeding to their next classes.

"Spooky if you ask me." Cove grinned as she walked, Cameron asking if the teacher would test them on any of the stuff they just heard. The girl scoffed and looked at the boy like he was stupid.

"You're an idiot, Cameron."


Hager quickly walked down the stairs as Knox and Cove looked at one of the old class photos on the walls, asking the two if they were ready. Knox and Cove reluctantly follow after Dr. Hager as they tell him they're ready to go. The two Overstreet kids and Dr. Hager get into the car, the two teens in the back. It was about a five minute drive before the three got out of the car before making their way up to the house. Knox raised his arm and knocked on the door, a few seconds passing before a small blonde opened it. Cove noticed the way her older brother froze, a stupid love struck grin on his face.

"Can I help you?" Knox suddenly managed to break out of his daze, nudging his sister who let out a scoff, reaching her hand out to the girl.

"Hi. Cove Overstreet. My brother Knox. Uh, this is Dr. Hager." The older man nodded towards the girl in the doorway, the girl asking if they had the right house.

"Are you here to see Chet?" Cove looked at her brother who softly shook his head, taking a deep breath as he questioned her.

"Mrs. Danburry?" The blonde starts to laugh as Mrs. Danburry comes up behind her, a grin on her face while Cove looked up at her brother. Knox slowly meeting eyes with his sister, who's brows were furrowed in confusion, just to receive a quick shrug.

"Sorry. Thank you Chris. I'm Mrs. Danburry. You must be Knox and Cove." The two nod their heads as the older women looked at their teacher behind them. "Back by nine." The older man nodded before walking down the steps and towards his car. "Please come in." As the two entered the large house, the blonde ran back upstairs, Knox keeping his eyes on her the entire time until Cove nudged him with her elbow.

"Knox, Cove. How are you two? Joe Danburry." Cove grinned as she shook the man's hand, greeting him happily as Knox did the same, finally out of his weird haze.

"Nice to meet you sir."

"Well he's the spitting image of his father, isn't he? Oh, and darling, you look so much like you're mother. How are they? Come on in."

"He's great. He just did a big case for GM."


Cove and Knox walked into the large student lounge to find their friends sitting around a table doing their homework. Cove quickly found Charlie, walking up behind him to place her hands on his shoulders, grabbing all of his attention.

"Hey, you look pretty." Cove grinned as Charlie turned to look at her, his hand reaching behind her to sit on her waist, pulling her around his chair to sit her on his lap. Her arm laid across his shoulders, her hand running through his thick black hair as he went back to his homework. Charlie Dalton loved two things, beer and the comfort that constantly radiated off of Cove Overstreet. The Dalton boy caught a quick glance of his best friend leaning up against the door loosening his tie. "How was dinner?" Knox raised his brows in confusion as he looked at Charlie, making him repeat his question.

"Terrible. Awful." The boy suddenly leaves his spot against the door and walks over to sit down with the other boys. Charlie looks from Knox to Cove, asking her why it was so bad, only for her to shake her head.

"Why? What happened?" Cove pointed her finger towards her older brother, who had a smile on his face after just thinking about the girl they had met earlier.

"Tonight, I met the most beautiful girl in my entire life." Charlie scoffed, his grip on Coves waist tightening for a second before turning to the boy in the chair.

"What do you mean? Coves been around for quite a while." The Overstreet girl blushed at the boys comment, smiling as she rested her head against his, bringing herself impossibly close.

"Are you crazy? What's wrong with that?" Knox let out a steady sigh, rolling his eyes.

"She's practically engaged. To Chet Danburry." Cove made a face of disgust, scoffing as the boys talked about the football player.

"That guy could eat a football."

"Knoxious, I'm not saying this as your sister, but as someone who isn't an idiot. That boy is dumber than Cameron trying to solve Latin work last year." Charlie laughed out a bit too loudly, making the group chuckle in unison as Cameron glared at her.


"That's too bad." The group looked to the boy as Know questioned him.

"Too bad? It's worse than too bad Pitsie, it's a tragedy. A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk." Cove sighed, playing with Charlie's dark and loose curls as she spoke to her brother.

"That's usually how it works, Knox. Most girls don't like nice guys anymore. I still like the nice ones, because being a jerk isn't attractive." Charlie looked up at Cove, hoping that he was one of the nice guys she was talking about.

"All the good ones go for jerks, you know that. Well, Coves one of the good ones that doesn't but that's besides the point."

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