Chapter 11

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BATIM - Fallen Angel

Chapter 11

At Axel's apartment:

Benicio sat beside Henry's bed to make sure he feels comfortable while Boris check his wounds and change his bandages. Boris could see his wound is deep, and it hasn't healed, and he also felt his skin is getting dry... He could see clearly that Henry had never drunk ink over the week and it's not good, which this explain why he's to weak and unable to heal.

In the toon world ink is the source of life for all living toons to keep them alive, like water.

Henry has been quiet for a while longer and he hasn't said any words and not ever looking at them. That's made Bendy so worried of seeing his sweet angel totally breakdown.

At this moment, while Benicio pushed Henry's long side hair that cover his half face asides to seeing his face, but he saw the deep bruise around Henry's neck, makes him shock by knowing his angel have been strangled hard that caused him to be in pain and unable to speak too much. Which made the demon's eyes turn red full of anger and rage... Those bastards are going to regret trying to kill his angel.

Benicio tried his best to calm his rage so he wouldn't frighten his angel, as he laid his head on Henry's shoulder feeling sad and guilty that he wasn't there to protect him, but he felt so grateful and in relief that he is alive.

In that moment:

The two angels were sitting in the living room having a conversation of what had happened to Henry... While Richy and Sammy are in the kitchen making soft food for Henry, as he hadn't eaten anything over two days.

At the time Axel was listening to Abel's every detail of how Benicio found Henry and what he was doing with him over the week.

"Wait, hold up... Let me get this straight...!" Axel place his hand on his forehead and breath calmly to relax and stay focus. He was in shocked and surprising of what he heard, and he couldn't believe it. "The Devil Face has found this new angel 'Henry' at the Sillyvision Town and saved him from The Butcher Gang."

"Yep!" Abel respond.

"Then he brought him to his home so he could take care of him and protected him from who every try to hunt him."

"Yep!" Abel respond again.

"Are you f***king insane, and you believed this crip?" Axel said out loudly for not believed him.

"Look, I'm also in shock too and I couldn't believe this either, but from what I saw! He did save his life...!" Abel said.

"But this doesn't change anything, infact of what he had done in the past!?"

"Maybe that's true, but... From the way I saw and the way I've known him over the years, it was totally unbelievable and unexpected. Benicio behavior has start to change since Henry arrived in this world, he became have a feeling through him and care so much about his safety more than himself... Ya should see the looks on his face how he reacted when he found out Henry has run of the house without telling anyone where he gone too."

Axel didn't say anything as he keep listening to Abel's explanation.

"He fracked out and lost his temper since his disappearance. He could hardly eat or sleep or do anything else, other than search for him, but he went out of grief overwhelmed for not finding him... Ya saw his face clearly, would that surprise ya?!"

Axel wasn't sure if he could or not?! As he cover his half face with his hand by feeling awkwardly and shocked after hearing this. As much as he hate demons, he can't possibly believe that some unknown toon could easily change someone's heart like Mod Boss the most powerful and dangers demon in ToonTown.

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