NORA (Part 2)

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Even thought she'd been here for a while now, Nora still didn't feel at home. The women in this clan were... different... narrowminded and hostile, Nora thought. As she was overthinking everything that happend back in her mothers clan, the more Nora came to the conclusion, her mother probably hadn't been that wrong after all..., unwillingly a familiar face popped up in her head, as it had done almost every day since she first met him, ..Birgg..

He would probably hate her for what she had said to him, and a sting of pain entered her chest. Well she meant it... back then... she really did hate them, them... not him.

Somehow, she'd never really seen him as her enemy from the moment their eyes met.

She tried, god did she try! Every time his face popped up in her head in the middle of the night or even when she sat down at a gathering... that fucking face of his just popped up out of nowhere without a reason. At first she scolded herself for it, but now..., as the weeks had past, his face was the only thing that kept her going.

Why don't I just go home? Nora asked herself this basically every day for the last couple of days. Was she afraid to face her mother? Well maybe little... she wasn't going to ly to herself about that, but probably more so, was she afraid of facing Birgg...

The hurt she saw in his eyes when she told him what she thought of him. She had cursed and yelled at him like he was the one that had killed Liam and their unborn child, which he hadn't...

"HEY, Are you going to help us or not?!" Nora was pulled out of her thoughts by the high piched voice of one of her fellow hunters.

Nora sighed. The woman was a nuisance, watching everything Nora did, as if she wanted her to do something wrong. She shrugged and grabbed her hunting gear. Without saying a word, she walked past the woman, ignoring her questioning look. Bitch...

Something was off today. Last night, she had suddenly heard a lot of noise comming from the forest around the clan, but when she went outside to check on the noise, she was stopped by one of the guards who tried to convince her that it was a bear they had caught, and that there was nothing to worry about. The story was so far-fetched, she shook her head again... Nora knew what a bear sounded like... and she also knew what an angry Shry'Traccal male sounded like... and this was definitely not a bear...

But she'd done as she was told and went back inside, and today... well, some women were far too cheery for her liking. They had such a smug grin on their face. Nora couldn't help but her hair stood on end at the sight of those pesky grins.

Meanwhile, a few hundred miles away in Tároc Birgg's office...

"What do you mean the ship suddenly disappeared from the screen? A ship can't just disappear into thin air!!" With an irritated gesture, he slammed his fist on the heavy table in front of him.

"Contact Tároc... Vsar and tell him I need his help...ASAP!!"

Birgg rubbed one of his big claws over his eyes. Why had he ever agreed to become Tároc? He now clearly understood why Vsar wanted out of that job...

About three miles away, a buzzer went off on Vsar's wrist gaunlet. "Your turn..."

A muffled murmur came from under the covers. "It's your clan calling you... At least my women have the decency to wait with their troubles until daybreak..."

The buzzer went off again.

"Now hurry up, Vsar! Maybe it's important!" With a snicker, he threw the covers off himself and partly off Ellen, something that earned him a soft grumble on her part. "nucklehead..."

Vsar grinned and leaned toward her and gently, so as not to poke her horns on the shoulder, kissed her tousled gray hair. A contented grunt was Ellen's response to his kiss, and his grin widened. How he loved his little grumbler.

He picked up his wrist gaunlet and took it to Ellen's study, now his as well, and pressed the comm link. "Vsar here... What kind of idiot calls me in the middle of the night? I'm not Taroc anymore, remember? It's Birgg you need to contact..." On the other side of the link, he heard one of his men nervously his throat cleared and Vsar sighed. "What is going on?"

"I'm sorry to wake you, Taroc... Vsar... But Taroc Birgg has summond you... it's urgent..." Vsar frowned.

Something had to have happened, otherwise Birgg would never have summoned him. After agreeing, Vsar quickly disconnected and walked back to the bedroom. As quietly as possible he tried to pack his things, but as if she was waiting for it, his woman sat up and switched on a small light.

"What's going on that you have to leave in the middle of the night?" Her face was laced with concern.

He sat down on the bed with one knee and leaned over to give her a kiss on the mouth. "Birgg summoned me... No idea what's going on, but it was urgent. Get under the covers and keep our comm link open, when I know more and it's important I'll call you, okay? " Before he could pull back, Ellen took hold on his horns and pulled them back toward her, Vsar nearly lost his balance almost landing on top of her.

"Don't you dare to keep something from me, pal! Then you're in a shitload of trouble!"

Vsar startedto grin. "Pal, huh... I really thought we were more than just friends..." And exchanged his grin for a pouting look.

Laughing, Ellen pushed him away. "Ohh just go, numnuts!" And she sank back into the pillows with a grin. " Give Birgg my love, and ask him how he and that cute dark-haired lady are doing...!" Vsar looked at her in surprise.

"Cute dark haired lady? What did I miss?" But the only answer he got was the wiggle of her eyebrows and a light that was turned off.

Shaking his head, he turned and walked away. Women...


"Vsar, thank you for coming, I need your help ... but you won't like it." Vsar saw the relief on the man's face as he entered his old study.

He sat down in front of this new Taroc and tilted his head slightly, it seemed as if the younger man was consumed with stress. "Well, what's up... Tároc?"

Birgg rolled his eyes at his old leader. "If I had known leadership was so stressful, I would have declined, I can assure you!!" He growled.

"But let's get to the point. Tároc Me'gur was on his way over here quite unexpectedly, to talk to Ellen and us about the collaboration between our men and Ellen's clan. He was very interested in your plan of action and wanted some advice on this... but his ship suddenly disappeared from the screen and since our best warriors have gone to Europe with Rhan, in my opinion there is no other option then for me to investigate what happened with two others men..." He raised both claws at the sight of the irritated expression of Vsar.

"WAIT! Before you begin your sermon! Except me and Rhán there is none who can be sent out to go out with only two warriors, you know that just as well as I do, and there is none but you who can take over the task of Tároc than you, Vsar! You didn't really think I was going to ask Ghorul now, did you? I trust him as far as I can see him! The biggest problem is... the area where the ship disappeared is near Nellie's camp..."

He saw his old Tároc's eyes widened and his jaw clenched. Nellie's camp... Yeah, that was where Nora had ran off too...

Those women were known for their hatred of the Shri'Traccal, and although Ellen suspected that Nellie and her women were torturing and murdering Shri men, she wasn't sure if the rumours were true...

But he had known, and he resented Nora for it, taken that she had just chosen that clan to go to.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن