Chapter 1 - Disaster at the library

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I need to get laid. Maybe if I did, I wouldn't be so tense. Then again, having Lydia for a sister is what's making me tense, so I'm not sure a steamy night would help in that regard.

I love my sister, I really do. But sometimes my sister sucks.

Like when she comes home drunk and somehow spills leftover Chinese food into the washing machine. And a smoothie into the dryer. Where my clean clothes were.

I swear she's going to get us evicted. And where else are we going to find an apartment within walking distance of campus and the bar where I work?

We won't, at least not one with a washer and dryer.

All this to say, I'm in a shitty mood. Instead of grabbing the outfit I had planned on from the dryer, I had to scoop noodles and pork out of the washer. Which made me late for my class and ended up with me wearing an oversized hoodie. It wasn't until the girl who sits next to me pointed it out that I noticed the hole in the sleeve. At least it matched the hole in my leggings.

My morning classes ended, and I know I should go home to deal with the laundry. But I'm in no mood.

So, I stop by the coffee shop my life has basically centered around the last year and pick up a yogurt bowl for lunch and a coffee to drink on my way to the library. Because I'm not going home.

I already texted Lydia that this was her mess, and she needed to deal with it. I'm not sure if she will or not, but I need some time away from her or I might do something very unwise. Like stab her with a rusty fork.

I get my coffee and head out. After a few sips, I'm already feeling better. I have a few hours to work on the assignment that was sprung on the media management class yesterday.

Classes have barely started and already I'm stressed. I take a deep breath and bring out my phone. Jenna should be out of class by now. I find her number and hit the call button. Jenna has some strange aversion to texting, says it's so impersonal. But today I don't mind. I need to rant a bit.

"Hi, Ellie," she says in her soothing voice.

"I am having the worst day. Lydia ruined my laundry, so I'm wearing a very unflattering hoodie. She also ate the last of my yogurt last night."

Jenna pretends to gasp. "Was she drunk? She knows how much that yogurt means to you. You were going to marry it and have its children."

"Very funny. She doesn't even like yogurt. I might have to get a lockable fridge or something."

"Maybe you could pick up some from the coffee shop. You like their bowls."

"I already did." I eye the container that I'm using to balance my coffee on. "I think they put raspberries in it."

"You like raspberries, and I'm sure you look great. You always do."

"Thanks, Jenna. How did the mixer go yesterday?"

"He was there."

"Who, Julian?" Jenna had noticed Julian last year and had slowly been building courage to talk to him. Last week, he had approached her. I try to drink from my coffee without spilling.

"Yes. And we spoke. He wants to meet up again."

"Like a date?"

"I think so. I gave him my number. Do you think he'll text?"

"If he does, you're going to have to text back."

"I know."

"Did he give you his number?"

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