Chapter 39 - With a sister like this...

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"What is it?" I ask as we reach a less crowded area.

"It's Lydia. I just got a call from her."

Panic breaks my insides and all I can do is stare at Charlie.

"What's happened? Is she hurt?" I move to take out my phone, but I don't have my clutch.

"She's been arrested."

"Arrested?" I almost yell.

"Yes, but keep your voice down. I'm sure it's all a big mistake. But she needs someone to bail her out."

"What happened?"

Charlie presses the button for the elevator.

"I don't know. I think she stole a boat."

"She stole a boat?"

"She said something about a boy named Victor. Do you know who that is?"

The hole inside me fills with molten lava. "I know who it is."

"Well, I'll come with you, and we can figure this out." She steps into the elevator.

"I forgot my shawl and clutch."

"I'll wait downstairs."

The doors close and I take a deep breath. I should have warned her. I should have told her everything I knew about Victor, but I didn't think they knew each other. I didn't even know Victor was still in town.


D is looking at me with worried eyes.

"Ellie, what's wrong?"

Tears well up as I walk back into the ballroom. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing, I can see that."

"I need to go. I need to get my stuff and go."

"Tell me what's wrong."

We reach our tables and I grab my shawl. There's no one left. Everyone is moving towards the exits.

I spin around and almost end up in his arms. He smells so familiar, like Christmas and safety, and I just want to crawl up in his arms and let him take care of me.

"It's Lydia. She's been arrested."

His eyes go wide and his face hardens and I remember his words from the last night at George's. We don't move in the same circles. Just look at your sister. We're not from similar families.

I guess Lydia just proved that. She got arrested and it'll probably end up online and in the papers and it will show D that my family and his family are nothing alike and there is no chance for this to ever work out.

"It doesn't matter," I say and pick up my clutch. "You don't have to worry about it."

"What happened?" His voice is thick and hard.

I laugh, because it's so ridiculous. "She stole a yacht. With Victor. I should have listened to you, and I should have warned her about him."

I slide past him and make a beeline for the elevators. I'm convinced I'll never see him again. Not after I've proven he was right about us. That we're too different.

With a sister like Lydia, how could I ever have imagined anything could happen between us? We're from different worlds.

The elevator dings and I get in with a few others. When the doors close, I get a last glimpse of D. His jaw is tight and his fists clenched. And he's not going towards the elevators. He's not even looking in my direction. And then I know.

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