Chapter 14: Rum Pepper Island

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Maisie sat on Red with her back up against the newly repaired boat. Jacob and (Y/n) sat next to each other in the boat reading Maisie's book, with (Y/n)'s head nuzzled against Jacob's chest.

"It says here, that during the dark times, the beast destroyed a town on the coast of Kra' Zoul." Jacob read. "But we been up and down that coast, and I ain't never seen no town, destroyed or otherwise."

Jacob flipped through a few more pages. "A-And we don't say 'yar' half this much."

"I don't know, Jacob. You do say 'yar' quite a lot." (Y/n) teased.

Jacob playfully glared down at her. "Not this much. Look, e-every other page, we're shouting 'yar.' I mean, this is just nonsense."

"Says you." Maisie said, standing up. "But the book says otherwise, and it's going to outlast all of us. So people will believe that beasts destroy towns that don't exist, and hunters like to say 'yar'" she explained.

"But if that ain't true, how are you supposed to know what is?" Jacob asked.

"And how do we know that the beasts ever plucked ladies out of their veggie patches? That there really were dark times? Maybe they didn't start this war." Maisie theorized.

Jacob furrowed his brows in thought. "Maybe, but...why would we?"

(Y/n) hummed in disapproval. "You know, I've never really trusted that the royals wanted them beasts hunted just for the purpose of freeing up the ocean."

Jacob opened his mouth to ask what she meant, but was cut off by the sound of thunder. Jacob closed the book and looked over his shoulder to see huge dark clouds coming towards them, and flashes of lightening hitting the water.

"Looks like a real ship wrecker." Maisie commented.

Jacob turned to look at their little boat and instantly knew that it would not survive the storm.

(Y/n) intertwined her fingers with his, and he looked down at her. They both seemed to silently communicate with each other, and came up with a plan.


The sea became choppier, and the sky grew darker as Red sailed further into the storm. Her head slowly sunk below the waves, and the boat slipped off her head, and got crushed by the waves.

Luckily, Maisie, Jacob, (Y/n), and Blue were inside her nose again. (Y/n) sat next to Jacob with her head on his shoulder, and his arm around her waist, just watching the water get lit up by the lightning.

"Nicer down here, I'd say." Maisie said.

"Aye." Jacob whispered back, pulling (Y/n) closer. "Nicer down here."


Red swam slowly through a field of giant stalks of seaweed, and all around her, giant glowing jellyfish surrounded her.


"Wow. Beautiful isn't it?" (Y/n) whispered to Jacob.

Jacob smiled down at her. "Aye, you are..." Jacob's eyes went wide as he realized what he just said. "I-I...I meant...aye it is...uh not that you're not pretty! I-I"

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