Chapter 11

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Azaan Pov

After leaving Layla granny house that day, Salman and I tried really hard to get into contact with that hacker friend of his but his phone was unreachable. I wonder if he got caught and now is in trouble because of us.

Seven days had passed already but we don't seem to get hold of him. "Salman, I think we should just involve the police now it's been 168 hours already."

"Yeah I'll never trust these hackers again" Salman put forth and we go to the police station to lodge a complaint.

To my surprise granny (as in Layla granny) and a grandpa is already present there, I think her husband.

"How do you know it's actually a kidnapping. That your daughter didn't just forget about two old people and went on to enjoy her life." one of the over smart police officers said.

I can't stand there and listen to the rubbish he is talking about my Layla. So I match infront of them.

"How dare call my Layla a characterless woman. Anyway my daughter saw the incident with her own eyes and well I didn't believe it at first because she is a small child, but I've called her so many times and her phone is unreachable. Also I show them a recording with the principals statement in which he confesses that Layla hasn't been in school for the last six days."

"Fine we will start our search party soon." the officer says in a frighten tone.

"I already have an idea. I had lost my tracker device which I had planned to put on my daughter's school bag and I believe it's on Layla person's you can always check it out there." I hand him the details of the tracker of which I had forgotten about ages ago.

The police officers tracked her down and Adeel and Layla's grandparents sat in my car and followed them.

"Beta (son) please forgive me for chasing you outside of my house the other day. I really thought that you where some trouble maker."

"No granny please don't say that. You don't even have to ask for forgiveness."

Soon we reached the place. The most idiotic idea of all is that the place wasn't even that far away. It is close by.

The police makes an announcement. "Mr Zaid surrender yourself and make peace, let the woman go. Miss Layla can you hear us please try to escape if no one is present at you current location."

That idiot police officer how can he ask her to escape when anyone can just hold her hostage to save their own life.

A man name Zaid came out holding Layla hostage.

"Let us go otherwise this man will die." he said pointing a gun toward me.

"Kill me then, I dear you to. Layla life is far worth while than mine."

"Azaan, no think about Noor. What will happen to her if something happens to you." I kept on walking forward, but the Zaid guy didn't notice it.

"I know you will be there to look after her after my death." saying this I quickly grab the gun out of that mafia hand and pull Layla to my side.

Before he had time to comprehend what happened the police had handcuffed him and took him with them. Not before calling after us.

"Miss Layla he will have a court date in around two weeks from now that the court will confirm, in the mean time, get yourself a lawyer if you don't have one already." He then leaves and Layla ran into her granny arms crying her eyes out.

I move towards Salman,"You know you could fight her case since you've never lost a case before."

"Thank you so much Azaan. I really appreciate your effor." Layla says smiling at me."Now the only problem is we need to get a lawyer and sort everything out."

"Don't worry, my friend over here Sameer is a lawyer. Sameer Layla, Layla Sameer."

"Nice to meet you Sameer." Layla smiles politely at Sameer.

"Nice to meet you, too ba....." Sameer was about to say babhi (sis in law) when I quickly kicked him and gave him a pointed look making him shut up.

Layla gives him a confusing look. "What did you mean ba..?"

"I mean to say baby sister." Sameer quickly covers up with a lie.

Layla Pov

"We've only just met." I ask totally  confused.

"No, it's just Azaan has been talking so such about you that it feels as if I've known you for ages."  Salman says

I'm even more confused right now. "But Azaan doesn't even know me that well we also just met a couple of weeks ago."

"You sound more of a lawyer than I am actually. With all your interrogation." Salman says like his finally been saved from something.

"Yeah so I was saying that Sameer has never lost a single case. He will be a good lawyer for your case." Azaan says like a good old friend.

I am about to protest when Nani (granny) calls me aside.

"Beti (daughter), don't protest. They are very good boys. If it where're for them then we would of still been sitting at the police station. You will break their heart."

"But...." I try to protest Nani (grandma) again when she gives me a pointed look. "Fine" I mumble disappointed.

I walk over to Azaan and his friend Sameer and smile my wide smile. "Okay fine I will let you be my lawyer but on one condition only. You have to treat me like any of clients."

"Fine deal then." Sameer says raising his hand for a handshake. I also raise my hand to shake when Azaan quickly smacks his hand away.

"What's going on between the both of you."

"Nothing. I remember I have to complete some work and also Sameer you mention so work of yours which needs to be completed nah." Azaan quickly speaks out in a rush.

"I had some work, of which I didn't... oh now I remember what is the work I was supposed to do. We gotta go we'll talk tomorrow about the case. Bye" Salman says dragging Azaan after him and greeted my grandparents before leaving.

We then book a cab for ourselves and went home.


Assalam as promised earlier update. I know the seens are a bit quick in this chapter I still really need to put what I originally planned so yeah

Until next time

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