Author's Note

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I'm back and better than ever :D 

Kidding--but I will be rewriting this primarily over the course of the next two weeks (that's not really possible, but I have the next two weeks free, so a lot of the work will take place over then). Other than that, it'll just be whenever I get the time. But! The point is, I'm rewriting, because this sorely needs it. 

I started this probably about two years ago (before I ever posted it) and it was the first thing I ever finished. Now, there are three of these in the same universe, and I'm emotionally attached to all of these characters. The goal was always completion, and now the goal is to make it good, because I actually completed something for once (yay!). 

Anyway, part of this challenge will be figuring out how to essentially go back--the series ends two years later, where relationships have changed (particularly one lol) and characters, too. But they haven't yet, so now I've got to go pick Past Me's brain and figure out what would have happened, while still elevating the level of writing. 

So. Should be fun. 

I've actually been planning this for a while, and I'm very excited :D 

(Original Author's Note) 

So, some of you may already know me--I was here previously under the account -stxrryskies-, about a year ago. I had a few books on there, but nothing finished, and those are all still living in my Google Docs somewhere. I have a bad habit of not finishing things and getting new ideas, and then switching gears. It's...a problem.

But I'm back, for now, anyway. And I'm hoping to finish this, for real this time. It's, honestly, one of my favourite ideas that I've had, and I'm excited to write it. That's mostly why I came back to wattpad--I wanted to post this, just because. 

For clarification, the characters in this story have known each other for about two years, and have been working together for about that long, too. But you haven't missed anything terribly important that won't be easy to pick up (this is a first book, after all). And, I'll admit, the first part of chapter one is...chaotic. And not my best writing. It was more trying to find the flow, and find where I wanted this to go (Annabelle has had a complete personality switch...and Nicole wasn't even in the story, at first). This story is also told through two perspectives--Annabelle's and Nicole's--which is a bit of a new thing for me, actually. But we'll see how it goes. 

I truly appreciate comments and votes, but also constructive criticism and critiques. I'm always looking for ways to improve myself, and things like that can really help. I'm hoping to stick to a weekly updating schedule, but life is crazy, so who knows. I'll try my best. 

Thanks for reading! 

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