Sag Harbor

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"Hello, Mother," Jack said as they walked up the few steps to the entranceway.

It was even more awkward, Bailey thought, as Catherine stood her ground instead of taking a step back, leaving Bailey no option but to stop a step lower and look up.

Jack's mother acknowledged him with a disapproving nod.

"Jonathon," she said through stiff lips.

"I'd like you to meet Bailey Reid. Bailey, allow me to present my mother, Catherine Randolph Berrington."

Catherine narrowed her eyes as her gaze shifted to Bailey, and it was obvious that only manners and breeding caused her to extend a hand. "Welcome to my home."

The words were gracious but the tone was cold.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Berrington," Bailey said. The handshake was brief. The woman's hand was fine boned and strong, but even it seemed cold, and Bailey felt a chill run through her. She was already wondering how she was going to get through this weekend. And it didn't help that Catherine was staring down at her from her heightened position on the front patio, making Bailey feel as small as she'd been when she was the unwelcome grandchild of Catherine's groundskeeper.

"Jonathon, if I could have a word with you. In private."

"This really isn't the best time. We've just arrived."

Catherine's lips thinned further.

"I'd be happy to speak with you once Bailey and I get settled in and have a chance to freshen up."

Jack slipped his arm around Bailey's waist and pulled her to his side, moving forward so that his mother had no choice but to move back and let them onto the portico.

Just then Caylee came up the steps, holding out her phone.

"Sorry! I had to take that call from the office."

Catherine frowned. "Surely they don't expect you to work from here this weekend."

"When you're one of the newest lawyers at a top New York securities law firm, you don't ignore a call from one of the partners, even if it comes in the middle of the night."

Catherine shook her head. "You need to make a suitable match and give up the overly-demanding career."

As she spoke, her eyes looked sideways at Jonathon, and Bailey resisted the urge to roll her own eyes. Could Catherine be any more obvious about whom she thought a suitable match would be for Caylee?

"Yes, Caylee," Jack said, a twinkle in his own eyes that surely wasn't lost on his mother. He pressed Bailey tighter to his side. "Bailey and I have both found our perfect match. But I don't expect either of us will be trading in our careers for domestic bliss."

"I certainly hope not," Catherine said, inclining her chin. "I'll have Roger bring Bailey's luggage up to one of the guest rooms on the east wing," she began, but Jack cut her off.

"Just have him bring everything to my room. I'm sure you have other guests who will be staying over. Bailey is with me." He gazed down at Bailey and smiled. "Come along, darling, and I'll give you the tour."

As he pulled her into the foyer Bailey gave a backward glance. Catherine and Caylee were both staring at them. Caylee with amusement. Catherine with unconcealed distaste.

If the beginning was any indication, this was not going to be a fun weekend. Still, now that she was here, she didn't regret agreeing to the trip.

She assumed there'd be some time to wander around, and wondered it anyone was living in the caretaker's cottage where she had spent those precious summers with her grandfather. She supposed there was another groundskeeper there now, but it would be nice to see the place again, even from the outside. And to sit on the dock where she and Jack had once shared their secrets and dreams.

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