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"Nigga you been in this room all day, mfs woke up and decided they wasn't gone eat or drink nothing today huh?", Say teased walking in my room. I ignored him and kept drawing.

When I start drawing or painting I like to make sure I finish whatever it is in one sitting no matter how long it take because I know when I come back to it, I'm not gone draw shi the same.

I looked at my phone checking the time, "When Malaysia and them coming over?" Say shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, soon. Why?" I grabbed one of my pillows from behind me and tried to throw it at him but he blocked it with the door, "Get out nigga, you distracting me."

"Nigga you the one that asked me the question!?", he shrieked waving me off and closing the door.

I was really waiting on Samai so I could show her her li portrait she wanted me ta do for her. It wasn't done but I wanted to show her anyway. I wanna let her know that I ain't forget about it because I could tell that night in the car she take that promise shit serious and I promised so I ain't gone break it.

Somebody started knocking on my door causing me to sit up... I was hoping it was Samai, "Wassup?" Lay opened the door and I rolled my eyes and laid back down, why mfs always gotta come knock on my door? She scrunched her face, "Well hello to you too the fuck... where's Amir?"

I shrugged, "I don't fucking know, he grown and I'm not that nigga momma." She mugged me and started to walk out my room.

"Wait... Samai downstairs? Tell her come up here.", I blurted out before Lay closed the door. I hope she heard me cause Ima get shitty if Samai don't come up here.

I got up and grabbed my wood that I had waiting for me after I finished drawing. I usually smoke while I'm drawing assum because my hands can get shaky sometimes and I wanted to make sure I made no mistakes on this portrait.

I'm done for today though, I'll work on it some more tomorrow assum since it already took me almost the whole day ta do what I got.

A few seconds later I hear another knock on my door, I feel like every 30 seconds somebody knocking on my door. That shi kinda annoying.

"Come in yo."

Samai walked in holding two water bottles and a box of Cheez itz, it made me chuckle at her. "Whatchu got that for?"

She tossed it on my bed then sat down and tried to catch her breath like she been running assum. "Water and some type of food since Say told me you were trying to starve yourself but y'all don't got nothing to really eat here so I grabbed Cheez itz."

I tried to hide my smile, she care about me and shi.

"You look like you need the water more than me... what yo ass was doing? Running around?", I questioned her starting to spark up my wood and opening a window.

She scooted back on my bed, "Okay let me explain, it all started at my place. I was being rushed to get dressed because I didn't know we were coming over here first before we went out then I get here and Say all in my face about clothes and shoes, which I don't mind. Then I ran around trying to find Amir for Lay then she told me you wanted to see me so I had to come up y'all stairs and y'all got a lot of stairs and I just never got the chance to catch my breath."

"Aight well now you can, chill and smoke wimmie.", I insisted sitting next to her on my bed. She smiled and looked at her phone, "Now you want me to chill and smoke with you... I can for a little." I looked at her confused, "Why you say it like det?"

"Cause you asking to hang out with me is different than your usual wanna be alone, don't wanna talk, we're not friends, mean self.", she joked and I rolled my eyes standing up.

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