Chapter Six

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Weeks passed in a hazy blur, one after the other. Soon I had already been there for over two months. I had mostly given up fighting. It just wasn't worth the pain or the humiliation I faced. It was better to just shut up and get it over with.

About a month in I almost wept with relief when I started my period. I had hoped this would mean a reprieve from the rape, but Wheaton was far too determined for that.

I could not describe the insane boredom I faced. Even as Wheaton brought me movies and books I found myself pacing the basement most days with my chain dragging behind me. I just felt so cooped up and restless. I would've done just about anything for a breath of fresh air.

I'd never been the most active person, but I could feel my muscles deteriorating from lack of use. I started to do some basic exercises each day to try to keep my body from becoming useless. Afterall, if I tried to escape, I might need to be able to fight. But this plan proved difficult as I wasn't really eating much, and so I didn't have the energy to exercise. I couldn't stomach food anymore, and I was nauseous with anxiety all the time. My bones started to poke through my skin, and soon I could barely do five pushups without collapsing onto the ground.

One day when Wheaton and I were watching a movie, I started to pick at the scabs where the cuff had irritated my ankle. Wheaton reached over and yanked at my wrist.

"Stop that," he said. "You're going to make it scar. Wait here." He stood up and grabbed a first aid kit from upstairs. He unclipped my ankle and gently wrapped it in gauze. "There, that should help," Wheaton said, taking my hand in his softly before he chained me back up.

"Thanks," I murmured as he settled back down on the couch he had set up in front of the small tv.

"This weekend we're going out to see an old friend of mine," Wheaton said. I perked up immediately. Firstly, I was surprised Wheaton would have anyone he would call a friend, and secondly, he was taking me out of the house? "Don't get too excited, this friend is of... the same disposition as me."

"Oh," I said quietly. "So, he's a murderer too? What, do you guys have a club for serial killers or something?" Wheaton laughed at this.

"We met through my work, if you must know," Wheaton chuckled.

"You never told me what you do for work," I pointed out. Wheaton just sighed.

"I'll tell you, eventually," he smirked. "His name is Ben, and if you thought what I did was bad, well, you just wait and see. Ben's impressively brutal." My stomach tightened.

"W-what exactly are we going to be doing this weekend?" I stuttered. I didn't think I could handle two murderous guys at once.

"Don't worry," he cooed. "Ben won't touch you. I'm just bringing you along because I don't want to leave you here alone for that long." I let out a sigh of relief. Maybe they were just getting together as friends, no murdering or torturing at all. I could hope at least.

"The cabin is about an hour and a half away, but I want to take the truck, not the van. So, I'll leave you tied up in the front seat." My stomach dropped. I didn't like the idea of being so helpless. I fiddled with the chain on my ankle. "Do you want me to take that off?" Wheaton asked. I looked up at him surprised.

"Yes," I whispered, and he smirked at me.

"Depending on how this weekend goes, I might do just that."


Soon the weekend came and Wheaton tightly bound, gagged, and blindfolded me before stowing me in the front seat. I prayed that we would get stopped by the police, but I knew the chances of that were slim to nothing. The car ride seemed to take forever, and eventually the road turned rough, and I was jostled around until I could feel my skin bruising. But we made it, and as Wheaton lifted me out of the car I got a whiff of fresh air. I felt alive again, even if just for a moment. The air was so clear and cold, it invigorated me. Wheaton set me down on some leaves before untying me.

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