9. Stranded In Her World

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Follow me if you're already invested in this story because I'll keep writing similar stories in the future, and you might miss out.

Follow me if you're already invested in this story because I'll keep writing similar stories in the future, and you might miss out

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Dongfang Qingcang found himself stranded in a strange new world without knowing how to return home. He only knew that the girl beside him, Meilin, was familiar with this world. He gazed at the ceiling, overwhelmed with frustration and uncertainty.

Meilin noticed Qingcang's distress and approached him, her voice laced with concern. "What's wrong?" she asked gently.

Qingcang was lost in thought. Was he doomed to be trapped in this unfamiliar world forever? He turned to Meilin and asked, "Let me ask you, did you see a portal when I arrived here?"

Meilin was startled by the question, unsure of how to respond. "Yes, I did see it," she answered hesitantly. "But it disappeared as soon as you arrived. Why do you ask?" she asked with a hint of worry, noticing the scowl on Qingcang's face.

Qingcang's flat voice betrayed his disappointment. "That portal was our way out," he explained, slightly tilting his head as he looked at Meilin with a cold expression.

Meilin was stunned by what she was hearing. 'Our way out? Our!' she thought, anxious about leaving everything and everyone she knew behind to follow this mysterious man.

As Qingcang advanced towards her, Meilin stood her ground. He had saved her twice, but his possessive behavior started grating on her nerves. "Listen, I'm grateful for your help," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "But I'm not going anywhere with you," she declared, raising her eyebrow to assert her independence.

Qingcang's gaze was intense as he looked at Meilin, his frown deepening. He reached out and gently cupped her chin, causing her to blink in surprise. "I'll say it again," he said in a deep, commanding voice. "You belong to me. From now on, you stay by my side. Do you understand?" His thumb brushed against her chin as he held her gaze, his dark eyes never leaving hers, trapping her under his unwavering gaze.

Qingcang's words were meant to be serious, but they only irritated Meilin even more. Her agitation began to bubble over as she contemplated the underlying meaning behind his possessiveness. 'It was funny and flattering at first,' she thought. 'But now, he's really annoying me.' Summoning her courage, she decided to confront him about his behavior. "Why are you being so possessive?" she demanded, her tone laced with disturbance.

Qingcang's grip on Meilin's chin loosened, and he crossed his arms over his chest. A scowl etched onto his face as he responded. "I can only keep you from danger if you're near me," he explained, his protective streak on full display. His eyes bore into hers, his expression conveying his unwavering commitment to ensuring her safety. He could not bear the thought of his life being tied to a weak race.

"Safe from what?" Meilin retorted, her eyes blazing intensely with defiance. "From you? You're the most dangerous person I've ever met!" she exclaimed, her scowl deepening as she locked eyes with Qingcang.

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