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You watched Manolo reunite with his mother, patiently waiting for your turn to speak.

"Mrs. Sanchez-"

The woman looked at you with kind eyes and spoke, smiling.

"Please, call me Carmen."

"Carmen, we were told you could help us. We need to find Maria Posada."

The kind woman pondered your request.

"La Muerte can help. She will reunite you."

And so, off you went to find La Muerte, with Manolo's family.

(Quick little side note here, the rest of the movie might be a little rushed because I'm trying to start the actual storyline of the book and get the movie part out of the way)

You and Manolo walked up the stairs and into the grand domain of La Muerte. You marveled at the detail on...well, everything, and snatched a churro to munch on. Soon you heard abrupt yelling and looked over from your food to Manolo, where he stood arguing with the man who had killed you and Manolo. You paid little attention to their conversation, grabbing more churros and eating them. Soon you had collected dozens, keeping them for later.

You followed the Sanchez family absentmindedly to La Muerte's new domain, eating more churros as she and the tar man conversed.

You were drawn out of your temporary churro filled heaven when the man - who, by bits and pieces of conversation, you had overheard was named Xibalba - suddenly appeared in front of you, gazing deeply into your eyes.

"And what about you, Y/n? What are your deepest horrors? What haunts your dreams? What makes you cower in fear at the mere thought of it?"

You looked at him in confusion, taking another bite of your churro while he facepalmed.

"Listen, kid, I was trying to do a bit there and- *sigh* y'know what just think of your greatest fear."

You kept the idea in your mind as a sick grin grew on Xibalba's face. He snapped and you all appeared in an arena, Manolo in it while you and the Sanchez family were off to the sidelines in a stadium box. This time you paid attention as Xibalba spoke.

"Manolo Sanchez, you will have to fight every bull the Sanchez family has ever fought. All. At. Once."

You heard gasps and murmurs among you.

"That's impossible!"

"That's gotta be thousands!"

You looked to Manolo in worry, sending him an encouraging smile. He returned it, before hundreds of bulls burst out of their containment and charged toward him. You watched as he narrowly dodged them.

Your anxiety only increased when the bulls decided to conjoin into one massive beast. Manolo tried to fight it for a little bit before picking up his guitar.


You got cut off as the bull rammed into him. You cringed in sympathy as he was launched across the arena the moment he started playing the guitar. While he stood back up and grabbed his guitar you looked to your left and saw- ...Manolo's father and grandma?

Pushing the consequent questions that triggered out of your mind, you drew your gaze back to Manolo. You watched - and listened - as he began to serenade the giant beast, singing his apologies to it solemnly. You couldn't help but stare in admiration earning a knowing nudge and smirk from Carmen.

As he finished his song, the bull turned into hundreds of flower petals, glowing and blowing away in the only there when it's convenient breeze. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the Candle Maker snap Xibalba's jaw shut. After a moment he got over his shock and as the cheering died down he turned to you, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Your turn."

"Well, fuck."


A/n: Sorry it's kinda rushed, I wanted to get a chapter out for you asap so you wouldn't have to wait too long.

𝙸 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚆𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞 - 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚣 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora