Just for today

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You woke up and got ready to work. You took and shower and got dressed you wore a plain white shirt and some jeans. You did your makeup it was only mascara,lipgloss,concealer. You got in the car with your dad and you guys drove to the stadium.

You saw the team including Kevin. Once he saw you he ran over to you and smiled. "Hey mami cómo estás" he whispered.
"Bien y tu" you whispered back

Everyone went out to the field to get ready for the World Cup. The World Cup was in 2 days and you were going with the team as well.
You did your same old routine but his time Kevin didn't follow you it was Diego which was oddly weird.
"Hey y/n how are you" he said
"Good" you responded
"The teams going out to the club later wanna go" he asked
"Uh sure why not" you said
"Ok great I'll text you the address" he said
"Okay thanks for the invite Diego" you said
" your welcome y/n" he shouted as he was walking back.

You handed out the water bottles to the whole team after the were finished practicing. You all went back inside and you went to the lounge room while the team showered and changed.
"Hey Mija what are you doing here" memo asked
"Hey memo just sitting down why"? You asked confused
"Just asking yk the teams going out later are you going" memo asked
"Yeah I'm Diego already told me" you said
"Ohh you and Diego" he said
"We're just friends memo nothing else plus he doesn't like me so" you said
"sure we'll see if I'm right you owe me $100 bucks but if your right I owe you $200 actually no $3,000" he said
"$3,000, memo that's too much you can just pay me $200" you shouted
"Deal or no deal" he asked
"Deal pues ya que" you said
You got your stuff and you left with your dad.
"Pa the team is going out later to a club can I go please" you begged
"Sure you can go you give you money at the house" he said
"Thanks pa" you shouted
"Solo porta te bien y no salgas con tu domingo siete " he said
"I won't I swear" you said
Once you got home you went straight to your room and began to choose your outfit you chose a red dress and some black heels with a purse.
Once you had your outfit you showered and began to play your music.
"Safaera by bad bunny" began to play as you showered you were singing the song and hoped they played it at the club.
Once you finished showering you decided to curl your hair.
Kevin's pov
I saw Diego walk with y/n inside but I just ignored it. Once we finished practicing we went into the locker rooms I asked Diego why he followed y/n. "Why did you follow y/n inside did you guys kiss"? He said
"No I just asked her if she wanted to go out with us to the club" Diego said
"Oh okay" he said
I went into the lounge room and didn't see y/n.
"Did she already leave"? Kevin thought
I went home and got ready for the club I texted y/n if she wanted me to pick her up.
Y/n's pov

Alvarez 🫶🏽

Hey y/n want me to pick you
up so we can go to the club ?

Uh sure why not  ☺️

Ok I'll text you when
I'm at your house.

Okay bye Kevin

Bye hermosa

I put on my dress and heels and did my makeup. After I was done Kevin had just texted me that he was here. I hear the front door open and I heard his voice,he was talking to my dad.

As I walked down the stairs he was looking at me smiling.
"Wow mija you look beautiful" my dad said
"Te Mira's fea" my mom said
I wasn't gonna let her ruin my mood. My dad gave me money as I left.
"Wow mami you look gorgeous" he whispered
"Thanks you don't look to bad yourself" you said
As you guys drove you were just talking about your mom and why she's a bitch to you.
"Honestly I don't know why she's always rude to me she's always been rude to me ever since I was 10" you said
"Well what she said isn't true you do look gorgeous" Kevin said as he gave you a quick kiss.
You instantly got butterflies but didn't say anything.
Once you guys got there you saw memo,diego,chucky,Vega.
"Hey y/n te miras bien" Diego said
"see he's flirting with you get ready to pay me $100 bucks" memo whispered in your ear
"Hola y/n cómo estás" Chucky asked
"Pues bien no mas que mi mamá"you said
"Que tiene tu mamá" vega asked
" nada no mas que she said I look ugly when I came down the stairs" you said
"Well she's obviously lying" Diego butted in
Everyone turned and looked at him including Kevin.
"Pues you like her or que güey " memo said
"No pero no es fea" he said
"Vamos a bailar quiero decir, por eso venimos o no" vega said trying to change the conversation
You order the drinks and started a tab.
You were looking for Kevin and found him talking to another girl.
"Wtf is he doing is he sober or drunk" you thought
You went back the table and sat next to Diego.
You guys were just talking and having a good time until a song came on and you wanted to dance.
"Wanna go dance"? You asked Diego
"Sure" he said
You took his hand you you spotted Kevin and the girl. you guys went next to them and started to dance.
Obsesión by Aventura was playing
You guys started to dance but Diego didn't know how to dance so you helped him.
"Okay so you step and and move your hip" you said
"Like this"? He asked
"Yeah just like that now just dance to the beat" you said
Surprisingly he was dancing to the beat and he was dancing pretty good.
"Yeah you got it good job Lainez" you said
Diego's pov
I was looking for y/n and saw her looking at Kevin talking to another girl.
"Does she like him? Are they dating"? I thought
She came and sat next me.
We were talking and having a good time. She looked so pretty when she laughed.
She asked me if I wanted to dance and I said sure.
She was teaching me how to dance since I didn't know how to.
I realized that we were dancing next to Kevin and the white girl.
I put my hand on her waist and we started to dance.
Y/n's pov
He put his hand on my waist and we were dancing. He wasn't a bad dancer, he was pretty good at dancing.
I looked to my left and that it was a white girl kevin was talking to. I think Diego noticed that I was mad because she began to pull me closer.
I wasn't sure if he was doing it my accident or purpose.
After the song was over we went and sat down with memo and Alexis.
"wow Diego never knew you could dance like that" memo teased him
"Pues thanks to y/n she taught me how to dance" he said
"Milagro que she taught you she's picky with her dancers ever since she was little she was picky" memo said
"That's not true mentiroso" you said
Memo has been like your uncle ever since you were little so it wasn't weird.
"Looks like Kevin's having a good time with the Güera there kissing over there" Alexis said was he pointed
When you turned to look your heart dropped
"Wtf I thought we were together" you thought.

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