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As soon as the doorbell ring i heard little footsteps run towards the door.

" JOURNEE !! You bet not open that goddamn front door !" I sternly yelled running downstairs .

" journee what i told you bout opening the door for strangers ?" I said coming down the stairs yelling since i heard the locks open. But stopped imm my tracks seeing who was at the door.

" DaDa !" Journee jumped up and down before jumping in kese's arms. I stood frozen in place for a good minute not being able to move.

"  hey bug " he smiled kissing all over journee's face making her giggle. He looked up at me shaking his head before walking in the house with ice and quan behind him.

" don't pay him no mind" quan said shaking his head sighing.

" you in trouble !" ice said pointing in my face making me mug confused as hell. what i do ?

" daddy missed you bug" He said playing in her hair. 

" You finna be one bug ! Yo ass growin yo on me forreal." He smiled throwing her in the air. I imagined this moment more different then how it is. I couldn't take the tension anymore so I went upstairs to my room and got started on some extra school work that I need to do. 

" where da hell is my phone ?" I mugged myself looking around the room. Once I found em I jumped to an angry kese standing behind me. 

before I could even say something my face was pressed up against the wall with kese hands around my throat. " you been giving up my pussy ?" He gritted in my ear.

" No , what the hell you talking bout ?" I asked confused.

" den what li boyfriend you got dat i been hearing so much about ?" He asked and i smacked my teeth already know ice messy ass probably told him.

" Kese , I thought you were dead. Everyone kept telling me to move on. Me sittin inside your hospital room 24/7 wasn't healthy." I sighed

" He understands that I'm not fully over you and he can't replace you."

" damn right he can't." he said pressing me against the wall once more before letting me go.

" imma let you have to fun but you forever mines remember dat" he pointed in my face then kissed my forehead before walking out of the room leaving me speechless.

" and so he just left just like that ?" keema questions as we sat on the couch talking and I nodded. Journee was with kese so i had a break.

" well at least he ain't threaten you" she said and I shrugged but nodded at the same time because i was truly surprised that he didn't threaten me.

" So what now ? i'm guess a thruple is out of the picture" she said and i laughed.

" most definitely out of the picture !" I said and she nodded.

" honestly i don't know. I love kese but Im starting to like Demetrius and I would hate to break his heart." I explained and she nodded understanding.

" well he did tell you to have your fun. So i would so what i want to now and go back to him when i'm done." she said and I shook my head no.

" that's gon make him think i'm at his command. Like i'm one his hoes that always run back to him." i said and she nodded.

" damn bitch we been talking for 3 hours." Keema said looking at the time on her phone.

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