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tw: This chapter contains mentions of e.d. as well as abuse. Read with caution.

"I need to talk to you." I hugged my books against my chest and looked down at Theodore while he sat at his desk. He cut his conversation with the surrounding boys short and his pink lips slowly curved into a smirk when his eyes met mine.

"Well, it must be my lucky day. Wouldn't you say so, sweet thing?" One of his dazzling eyes winked at me, and his glamour poured off of him with his husky voice.

"Can we go out in the hall? Before class starts?" I tipped my head to the side and waited for him to take me seriously. "It's private." He obliged with a charismatic expression before he pushed his hands against the wooden table and stood up.

"Leave your books here, darling." He grabbed them from my arms and placed them on the desk he shared with Adrian. "We might get a little preoccupied." He smirked down at me. I glared up at Theo through my lashes, and he puckered his lips and pretended to shoot me a quick kiss as an apology.

"I'll be back, boys." He placed his hand on my lower back to escort me out. Something about Theo never made my skin crawl when he touched me. "Don't wait up." He wiggled his brows. Pucey rolled his eyes with a condescending laugh, and Malfoy's harsh eyes remained fixed on me the entire time.

"Rookwood," Draco tried getting my attention. He had been trying for days, since I left him in the Prefect's bathroom. It was eating him alive that I wasn't giving in to his games anymore, and he still hadn't found a new victim— he always has been persistent.

"Piss off, Malfoy." I huffed under my breath before I walked off with Theodore.

He ruffled a hand through his perfect caramel locks and leaned his shoulder against the stone wall of the hallway. I glanced around to make sure no students were wandering before I started snowballing my questions at him.

"Have you talked to Blaise?" My eyes begged him to give me a good answer. Graham wouldn't give me any inside information regarding Blaise's situation, but he was just as shocked as I was when I told him my best friend had taken the Mark.

"How could you not know? He volunteered at a meeting last week." I asked while my fingers ran over my boyfriend's hair. His amused smile didn't budge.

"I told you, I was off on missions. I didn't have time for meetings with the others." He rolled his tongue over the inside of his cheek and shook his head. "Fucking Zabini. Maybe he's useful after all. Maybe now he'll stop being a wanker and will see that he and I are on the same side." He chuckled. He was enjoying this too much.

"Will you start acting like that?" I asked him shortly. The best thing that could happen to me was getting Blaise off of Graham's radar.

"Anyone with that Mark, bunny, is a friend of mine." He teased as he pulled me on to his bare chest and flexed his muscular biceps around my shoulders. "I'm glad he's finally grown a set of balls. I was starting to think he was a puss." He peppered kisses over my forehead and let the conversation drop.

"What makes you think I have?" He tilted his head to the side. "If I recall, your buddy Malfoy is the closest one to him-"

"He is not my buddy!" I scoffed, making Theo laugh. He casually tucked my straightened hair behind my ear and continued.

"You're right, love bug. My bad. Malfoy hates everyone." He nodded his chin.

"I heard that his mum was seeing someone." I ran the edge of my robes through my fingers. "And another little birdie said-"

"Don't even finish the sentence." Theo rolled his eyes and stood up straight. Every ounce of his playful attitude disappeared. "And I'm not confirming it, but don't ever repeat what you've heard to anyone else." He towered over me with a serious stare. I nodded innocently and waited.

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