Act I | Chapter I

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It was an ordinary for most people within the Kingdom of Sorcier. But one estate in particular, was very excited about something very special.

It appeared that Her grace, the Grand Duchess, had given birth to a baby girl.

The midwives surrounding the bed were mesmerized by the beauty of the child as her mother held her in her arms.

"Oh my! She takes quite after His grace very much!"

"She's very beautiful just like you, your grace!"

Indeed, the child was very beautiful. She had such silvery locks that seemed to be akin to that of Eastern silk. Her soft and plump cheeks were like that of new winter snow.

She looked so much like her parents.

The mother chuckled, giving her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Indeed, she is, Lady Helena.." She replied, smiling at the midwife besdie her.

Her husband chuckles, giving his wife a peck on the cheek.

"No doubt, she takes after the both of us, darling.." The Grand Duke stated, smiling softly at their daughter.

The baby cries but soon calm down as she snuggled into her mother's bosom.


"She's so precious, your grace!"

The maidens swooned at the yawn of the child, some even having nosebleeds.

It was no surprise that the child was beautiful. Her parents were very beautiful as well.

"What should we name her, dearest?" He asked his wife who smiled at his question.

"Aurora. Because she was born at dawn..."

"Your tastes still are elegant, dearest.." He compliments, making his wife chuckle at his flirtatious remarks.

Turning back to the servants surrounding them, he announced the birth of their daughter with great pride.

"She shall be named Aurora. Aurora Clementine. The Grand Princess of Clementine!"

"All hail the Clementines!" The servants rejoiced, welcoming their new lady with open arms.

The Grand Duke smiled, embracing his wife, happy that they had a daughter now.

It was such a gracious day within the Kingdom of Sorcier. A beautiful day to be remembered.

The day the wonderful child, Aurora Clementine, was born.


Her silver hair swayed with the wind, gently, a soft and elegant air about her. Her soft purple eyes were looking through the pages, each filled with content happiness.

She was reading a book underneath the willow tree, under the starry night sky. She was without a care in the world, so peaceful and elegant as the moonlight shone upon her.

The six year old girl was beautiful to many, many even said that she was blessed by God. She was also a genius, blessed with an affinity to space magic and the art of war.

But as she was busy enjoying herself, she heard loud chattering from a crowd of noble children just across her.

It made her very curious.

Why were they so loud in the evening?

She closed her book, setting it aside, walking up to them in curiosity.

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