Chapter 7. Paintings and Baths

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I was taking Aiden to the room after Lunch. I had kept an eye on her the whole day she was around littles. I know she is not going to listen that is why I kept an eye on her and stopped her whenever she tried to do something that can get her into trouble.

We came into the room and I saw paint buckets, paint rollers, a brush, and a ladder at the side. "Who brought this here?" I asked and turned around to go and tell the servants to move it out. Aiden pulled me by the waist and said "I did, Eliza"

"Why?" She picked up the roller and said "I hated the pinkness of the room and wanted to repaint it,"

"Where did you get the paint from?"

"Asked a servant for it," I furrowed my eyebrows. "They are not allowed to take orders from the littles,"

"I may have given a few punches for it," I exclaimed and took the roller from her hand. "I kept a close eye on you for the whole day yet you managed to do something mischievous, "

I picked up the buckets and she took them from me. "Where are you taking them?" "Outside it is your nap time, the servants would paint the walls some other day," She threw her head back and whined.

"No, I want to paint the room, NOW!" I said in an intimidating voice. "No, Aiden, If you paint the room there is going to be a smell of it for a long time,"

"I love the smell of paint,"

"And I hate it," She put the buckets down and said. "Then get out," She started moving the table from the corner to the middle. "You are never going to give up are you?" I went and helped her drag the table.

"Let's move the dressing table," I said we went to move it. "No, throw it, the bed and closet as well, and get new furniture, which is not so pink,"

"Fine, I will call the servants to move out the furniture," Aiden smirked and walked towards the bed. "What are you doing?" She lifted her hand and punched the mattress, and it made a squeaking sound.

She kicked the edges of the bed and broke them as well and slowly broke the whole bed. I put my hand on the hip and said "And what's the point of that?"

"Nothing wanted to break something, faces actually, but because of you I couldn't so your bed shall do" I watched as she broke the whole furniture.

She looked at me after breaking the last table and I raised my eyebrow. "Are you done now?" "Yup" I opened the and said "I will call the maids to throw these out, you wait here," I went downstairs and brought the maids. They picked up all wood and threw them out with their super speed.

They left and we started painting the room. I dipped the brush in the bucket and started painting the edges, Aiden took the roller and painted the walls. After I was done with one side's edge, I moved to the other and then the other, and so on.

I had painted all the edges and picked up a roller and joined Aiden in painting the wall. She had completed two sides and two sides were left. She was standing on the ladder and painting the upper side of the wall while I painted the lower side.

I looked at her a saw a cheeky smile on her face as we almost completed painting the whole room. I took the brush and brushed it against her cheek. She looked at me with a glare and then rubbed the roll all over my face. "Aiden!" I gasped out and quickly went to the washroom to wash my face.

"Aiden, why are you so aggressive," I said as I dried my face. "You started it, Eliza!" She defended herself. I looked up and saw the whole room was painted black, just like she wanted it to be.

"Are you happy now?" I asked and went to her. She threw the paint at me again. "Aiden, don't," I warned. She grinned and picked up the buckets. She was trying to throw it on me but I grabbed her hand it fell all over her. "Oh my god!"

I took the bucket from her and threw it away. I guided her to the bathroom. "I told you not to, see what happened now," I pulled up her t-shirt and she pulled down and growled. "I can do it myself!"

"Can you?" I asked. I clenched her jaw and said "Fine but this one time,"

I smiled and removed her clothes. I grabbed a wet cloth and wiped the paint off her face. She opened her eyes and stared at me. "Go sit in the bathtub," She did as told. I widened my eyes. I am shocked she obeyed me without any tantrums for the first time.

I turned the water on and filled the bathtub with water. I brought baby shampoo and soap. I washed her hair, cleaned it from the paint, and shampooed it again. I took the soap and cleaned her body with soap. After a nice bath, I wrapped her in a towel and went to get some night clothes for her.

I removed her towel but she gripped it and said. "I will wear them myself," I gave her her clothes and let her wear them herself. Her letting me bathe her was enough of a big step. "Don't look," I chuckled "I have already looked," She screamed "Get out!"

I laughed and went out of the washroom. She returned fully clothed and I said. "Time to eat," I said and took her hand. I wrapped my arms around her, I could smell the smell of baby shampoo from her. "Look, how good you smell," I nuzzled my face into hers. She pushed me away and smelled herself. "You used those baby products on me!" She snarled.

"Yes, now come," she pushed me again. "Eliza, I am not going down smelling like this!" "It is okay, it is not noticeable, at all," "No, get me food up here!"

I smiled and took her to one of the free rooms and sat her there on the bed. "Stay here, I will ask the maids to get food," "No! Do not let the maids come here,"

I facepalmed myself. What is she? "Okay, I will go and get some food,"

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