Chapter 14

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Charlie arrived early to Courtney's house that Friday. She walked in carrying bottles of wine and beer. A small six pack of soda hung on her finger.

Courtney directed her to place them on the counter. Charlie helped her cut up carrots, peppers, and celery for the relish tray. They talked about mindless things as they worked.

Jayden was cooking steak in the backyard using the grill. He brought in the first round of steaks when the doorbell rang. Before anyone could move, the door opened.

"Jayden?" The sound of Finn's voice had Charlie relaxing slightly. It wasn't breaking and entering. Finn appeared in the kitchen.

"He's out back cooking the steaks," Courtney said, motioning towards the back door.

"Anything needs to be done?" Finn asked.

"You can help us cut veggies," Courtney offered. "Other than that, we are all done." Jayden grabbed a knife and began to help slice more veggies.

"How many people are coming?" Charlie asked as she looked over the hoard of food they had.

"Us four and then four from Jayden's work." Courtney replied. Charlie finished chopping the celery she was working on and placed them on the tray Courtney had used.

Charlie then moved to the dinning room to set out the drinks. They made light conversation as they worked, Courtney carrying most of the conversations. Finn and Charlie would glance at each other but then quickly look away.

Five minutes before five, the doorbell rang. Courtney left to go greet guests, leaving Charlie and Finn alone.

"So, how are you?" He asked.

"Good," Charlie replied quickly, "and you?"

Finn sighed, "are things always going to be awkward now? Okay, we had sex. It's not that big of a deal."

"I guess I've just never had this happen before," Charlie said, her cheeks turning red.

"You've never had to be around a one night stand?" Finn asked.

"Never." Charlie confirmed.

"How about we just forget about that night?" Finn offered. "We can just go back to the way things were before."

The offer was tempting. However, Charlie didn't know if she could forget that night. The way they moved. The way Finn's hands ran over her body.

"Perfect!" Courtney's voice brought Charlie out of her memories. Courtney entered, followed by two men and three women. Charlie noticed Anne Smith. Charlie hadn't seen her since her investigation.

Charlie raised an eyebrow at Courtney. "I didn't invite her. She tagged along with her friend." Courtney explains quietly to Charlie. "Charlie, these are Jayden's coworkers, Philip, Jordan, Mindy, Lila and Anne."

Philip was a tall man with graying hair. The way his arm rested on Mindy's waist made Charlie assume they were a couple. Mindy had some of her gray hair showing in the sea of brown.

Jordan and Lila looked to be siblings. They had the same pale complexion and green eyes. Charlie already knew Anne.

She had traded out her work appropriate attire for a short dress with a deep v-neck and a slit on the leg.

"This is Charlie, my twin sister," Courtney said.

"Nice to meet you," Lila said, "Courtney has told us so much about you. We are so grateful you found her."

With the topic of Courtney's disappearance being brought up, Charlie felt her airway become smaller. "What can you tell us?" Jordan asked.

"Um," Charlie stumbled over her words. She felt as if the room was closing in on her and she could escape.

"Not much, the case was closed." Courtney swooped in, sensing her sister's unease. "Even Finn had to turn over his information." Everyone nodded.

"Where is Anne?" Lila asked.

"If she is flirting with Jayden again," Mindy scowled. Philip placed an arm around her shoulders.

As if on cue, Anne entered the kitchen. "You're pregnant?" She asked. She held the pregnancy test Courtney had taken. It had been given to Jayden after the case was closed.

Mindy and Lila gasped, "really?"

"I was going to wait until Jayden was in here to say anything, but, yes. I am pregnant." Courtney was embraced by the women. They began discussing the newcomer. Charlie watched as her sister's eyes filled with happiness.

Jayden entered and stopped next to Charlie. "What happened?" He asked.

"Anne spilled the beans of you two expecting another child," Finn replied. Jayden nodded as Philip and Jordan approached him. Charlie looked over to where Anne was stewing.

"I'm sure you're happy," Anne said. "After all, you'll be getting child support."

Conversation stopped.

"What do you mean?" Courtney asked.

"Well, I mean the father is in jail. Must've been hard faking a disappearance." Anne's voice was filled with fake sympathy. "That way when the baby is so clearly not Jayden's, you can use this little disappearance as cover. Wouldn't want him to leave you."

"Are you saying that it was a cover?" Courtney seemed horrified. "When I was taken and told my daughter to hide was just a cover?"

"Courtney's test was taken before she was abducted," Charlie said quickly as Jayden moved to his wife. He held Courtney in his arms as she broke into tears.

"Yes, I'm sure it was. I'm sure she wouldn't mind a paternity test." Anne raised an eyebrow.

"No," Jayden said, "that is not needed. Even if Courtney was sexually assaulted, I wouldn't leave her."

"It's not assault if she wanted it!" Anne snapped back.

"I suggest you leave," Finn said.

"Why? Does the truth hurt her too much? The truth that she's a whore?"

"Anne!" Charlie snapped, "I don't know what you think is going on right now, but let's face it. You are petty and are grasping at straws to break these two up. Even if they did, Jayden wouldn't want to go with you! He wouldn't want a desperate whore!"

That seemed to be Anne's breaking point. She charged at Courtney. Charlie threw herself in front of her sister, taking the tackle. Anne threw her fists. Charlie's eyes widened when her eyes landed on the vase in Anne's hand.

She moved her hands to block the incoming hit. Glass shattered around Charlie. She laid still, trying to get air into her lungs. Finn and Jayden had moved to pull Anne off Charlie. Charlie's vision was hazy as tried to take in her surroundings. Her ears were ringing.

She faintly heard Mindy on the phone. Anne struggled in Philip and Jordan's hold. Finn knelt next to her, his mouth moving. Charlie couldn't hear what he was saying as red and blue lights flashed outside.

Officers entered the house. Anne was cuffed as EMTs raced to Charlie. They knelt down next to her and tried to ask her some questions.

She was lifted onto a stretcher. Finn followed Charlie to the ambulance, still holding her hand.

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