CHAPTER 1 : The Beginning.

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I stared outside the huge glass window sipping coffee from the cup. After Dad's funeral I returned straight to my penthouse. I didn't want to go back to that house, I would remember him again and all it would do is cause me pain and at this point I can't waste time crying.

I want revenge.

I was adopted at the age of 10, by Giovanni D'Angelo. My hometown, New York and my birth name, Damien but since I was adopted by an Italian family my name was changed to Alessandro. Giovanni D'Angelo served in the mafia for 40 years. His wife died in an attack that was made by his rival gang. After her death, Dad was heartbroken but never showed it in front of anyone. He believed a man shouldn't reveal his weaknesses in front of anyone especially when you are the mafia leader.

He taught me that a leader shouldn't fall in love. He told me he made a mistake by falling for Mom. I shouldn't do the same because I would be the leader after him and loving someone would be nothing but my weakness. According to him, a mafia leader must be heartless, powerful and capable of protecting his own men. So, I decided to listen to Dad which led me not loving anyone and not caring about what people think of me that's the reason why my own brother hates me.

I have been too cruel to him. It is just my way of pushing people away from myself. I am rude and cruel to the people whom I am scared I might start caring for. Antonio always tries to impress me so that I appreciate him but all I do is scold him.

Last night, I was in a club having drinks when I got the news of Dad's death and that was when I realized that he was right. I shouldn't get close to anyone or care about anyone because after they are gone you are left alone and you know they are not coming back to you again and that hurts like hell. So it's better if I stay away from everyone then maybe I won't get hurt and remain strong. I have to be strong as a leader. Emotions will just make me weaker.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone ringing, picking it up I answered "Yes."

"Everyone is waiting for you." Diego said.

"I'll be there in an hour." With that I hung up.

I have to let my people know who will claim the leader position. Last night, before that incident I visited Dad and we talked.

I sat on the bed waiting for Dad to complete his conversation with his men whom he was instructing about something. When he was done, the man left the room and he took a seat beside me.

"Come sta andando la tua azienda?"
["How is your company going?"]

"Piuttosto sorprendente. Sono contento di aver potuto farlo avere questo successo".
["Pretty amazing. I am glad I could make it this successful."]

He placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked at him "So figlio che non vuoi questo, ma non ho nessun altro."
["I know son you don't want this but I don't have anyone else."]

"Qualcun altro, per cosa?"
["Anyone else, for what?"]

"Prendere il controllo della mafia. Essere il leader dopo la mia morte".
["To take over the mafia. To be the next leader after my death."]

I bit my lips "Papà, ti ho detto che non voglio essere il leader o anche essere imparentato con questa mafia. Papà mi ci sono voluti anni per farmi una reputazione, per farmi un nome e ora non posso rovinare tutto".
["Dad, I have told you I don't want to be the leader or even be related to this mafia. Dad it took years for me to get a reputation, to make my name and now I can't ruin it all."]

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