07. Proof

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- Thalia Anagnos - Loukanis - 

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- Thalia Anagnos - Loukanis - 

"This isn't real" I murmured, as I looked between my own reflection in the nearby mirror, then looking back to Lorenzo. None of this was real. He was just someone who had the same eyes, same hair-, no we didn't have the same nose or the same lips or the same freckles that doted our nose and cheeks. 

I'll felt a prick in my scalp, as I knew someone had taken some hair from my own scalp. "Just to find proof" was all the man muttered as he stalked off. I stopped looking between Lorenzo and my own reflection, noticing most people's eyes had glossed over. 

"I need to go" I grabbed my bag that I must have dropped when I was analyzing our similarities, about to turn and walk out of the kitchen when a voice halted my footsteps "stay for dinner?" 

I knew I shouldn't and couldn't, but I just nodded my head anyways. It wasn't like I would get dinner at home, so what was the point of tossing up an option at some decant food. 

What would I do if my DNA matched theirs? What would my siblings do?

Now that I thought about it, if I had taken a closer look, I would have seen that my siblings didn't look anything remotely like me, which I just played down to being the only half sibling in the family, but these people looked more like my siblings. 

Hence why people used to think I was a daughter of Aphrodite or Apollo when we went out places when I was younger, because I didn't look like a sister but more like a daughter to them as I do a sister to these people. 

My bag was then removed from my shoulder by someone that quickly dashed out of the kitchen. "So, Tahlia, tell us about yourself" Leonidas began as we all sat down around the dining table. It was oddly early to be sitting at the dining table already, but I did not complain. 

I was getting food from these people, so that was all that mattered to me in the moment. 

"Umm, well I have never really played any sports so far but I prefer to read" I didn't know what else to say in the moment. Everyone's eyes were on me and I hated it. 

Why couldn't these people be normal like my siblings? Why couldn't they neglect me and not care about me like my siblings? 

And to think I had taken a liking to these people. That's when I decided I had really had enough and that I should be on my way home. "I'm not feeling well, I think I'll walk home now. Thank you for the offer" 

My chair scraped loudly in the deathly quiet room as I stood up. No one stopped me or protested against me leaving, rather Leonidas standing up with me, hopefully just to walk me to the door. So, sped out of the kitchen after muttering my goodbyes, and slung my bag over my shoulder.

Leonidas then opened the front doors for me, as I walked out, nodding to him as well, as I continued to walk down the driveway. 

When I didn't hear the front doors close behind me, I was confused, so I looked back to see Leonidas with an open door to a car, looking at me expectantly. It was as if he wanted me to get in the car. 

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