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It had been a week. Jess didn't contact me or anyone in our group. She was acting really childish but nonetheless she's our friend and we have to be caring.

Jason went to Jess's house along with Mia and told Duke to stay with me incase she shows up to Duke's place. She wouldn't go to my house because of what happened and she doesn't know the address to Mia's house. Jason's house was being renovated so he was living with his relative and Jess of course doesn't know the address to his cousin's place as well.

So only two options left, Duke's house or hers. Duke and I were talking about some kind of stupid stuffs and laughing loudly. Even we could tell we were being annoying. In the middle of our fun time, his and my phone buzzed at the same time. We looked at each other then picked our phones up.

By the look on his face, I could tell we got the same text. "You got it too, huh?" "Yeah, let's go."
I was driving and Duke sat in the passenger seat humming something then he stopped all of a sudden. I gave him a quick look then turned my head back to front again.

"You sure you wanna go?" he asked and I nodded. "Princess called after all." he snorted at what I said then chuckled.

We were there within 15 minutes. Duke rang the doorbell and a woman possibly in her late 30s opened the door, letting us in. Duke and I walked in side by side and saw the three of them there. Jess in the middle, looking anywhere but at me. They all gave us some space and went upstairs to Jess's room. Even after they left, she didn't look at me.

I went closer to the chair she was sitting in and squatted in front of her. "What do you want?" she asked and I couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" she looked really annoyed. "You asked me to come, remember?" I asked and she looked embarrassed. "Whatever, I don't wanna see you anymore. Just go."

I sighed and finally sat on the floor. "Jess, why are you so upset? It wasn't gonna last anyway." I said and she glared at me. "It wasn't just a show for me." she said harshly. "It was, for me. You knew it and agreed to it. I shouldn't be here at all but Jess I like you a lot. Platonically of course." I said and I felt like she was gonna cry again.

She did. "Why couldn't I be enough, Daniel? What was lacking in me?" she asked as tears kept rolling down from her cheeks. "You lacked nothing." I said and got up. I wiped the tear from her cheeks then she looked up at me. "It was me who lacked. I lacked feelings." I said and that seemed to hurt her even more. I felt so bad but I couldn't keep doing this.

After a good 10 minutes of sobbing, crying and consoling she finally stopped. "Who is this person you even like? I can be better I bet." she joked. It felt good to see her smile. "Hmm, not sure you can be better though." I joked as well but it wasn't actually one.

"Tell me the name." she demanded and I sighed. "Alright, it's Vega." I said and her mouth gaped. "No way." "Yes way." "Are you serious?" "Totally." She blinked a few times and then proceeded to question further. "You got fucked right?" she asked and I was processing what she meant. "What?" I asked.

"Oh my god, Daniel you got rammed !" she yelled and the others came downstairs quickly. "Wait, what? Daniel got rammed?" Jason questioned. "I thought Daniel was alpha daddy?" Duke questioned, popping up from Jason's back. He just did not say alpha daddy."I told you Duke! Give me my fucking money." Mia yelled from the stairs. What the fuck?

"What are you all doing?" I asked and they stopped to look at me. They all shrugged and were about to leave when I stopped them. "You two bet on my position?" I asked pointing towards Duke and Mia. They shrugged. "Jess aren't you like supposed to be on team me?" I asked and she shrugged as well.

"I mean I wanted Vega once and now that you're gonna be something, I can try to steal him which will cause you to be jealous. Then eventually Vega will cheat on you, 'cause I'm hot so you'll break up with him and come to me once again." she said and I just stood there like a scarecrow but hands down. "All of you suck."

After an hour we all left Jess's house. Everything was good between us now even though I could tell Jess was still hurt. She's a nice girl and she deserves a lot better.

It was around 3pm. We didn't have school because it was Saturday. I did gym, homework and everything that needed to be done on a normal day before going to Duke's so I was really bored right now. Well, what does Daniel do when he's bored? Fuck up. So, I did.

I actually didn't want to but it just happened. Okay so, rewinding a bit. I called Elias because I was bored and decided to go to his house. When I reached there, the maid let me in without hesitation instead she was really nice. She told me Elias was upstairs so, I went up to go see him. I was pretty excited but when I opened the door all of that excitement got sucked into hell.

He was there, Mark was there. Is it a problem? Of course not. But if they're there kissing, is it a problem? Hell yes. Mark's hand was on Elias's collar and another on his shoulder. I could see Mark's back and Elias's head. After 5 seconds, 5 fucking seconds of noticing me; they broke off the kiss.

By that time, I was pissed and enraged so I did what felt right. Beside me was his wardrobe and on it was an expensive vase. I recognized it because we have the same one at house. It was around 5,000 dollars or more, I didn't bother to remember. So yes, I pushed it off and it broke.

"Oh." I paused and looked down at the broken pieces of the vase then looked up. "I apologize."
That is how, by indulging in an aggressive activity—I fucked up. Did I regret it? No. Why? Because if I managed to make my friend cry in order to stay loyal to him, so should he be able to avoid a fucking kiss.

Mark was scrawny and way less taller than me. If I wanted, I could yeet the fuck out of him. Then I could yeet Elias. But did I do that? No. I don't like indulging in violence if not necessary. So, what did I do? Leave.

Dramaa, yay! Oh wait, cliche drama..nvm yayyyy.

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