Chapter Five | Cover

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THEA LIT THE sage candle and breathed in the scent of sage and walnuts. The smell immediately soothed her frazzled mind. The last couple of days had been difficult to say the least. She'd attended another disastrous training session where it seemed like Kendra was yelling at her for even breathing before returning home to see Orson gorging on junk food. He'd somehow bought more beer bottles and was guzzling it down.

She'd finally snapped this morning. Her living room had become a hoarder's nest with clothes and food tossed everywhere carelessly. The stench was bad enough that she could no longer hide to her room peacefully. Thea had forced Orson into the shower and begun cleaning his stuff while he was gone. She placed an entire load into the laundry before cleaning the grease stains off her couch with the special solution she had bought, specifically for that reason.

Thea glanced around the room and smiled. Her living room was looking more habitable now. She'd cleared some space underneath the tv stand to store Orson's clothes. The luggage was no longer blocking the hallway so that someone would trip every time they were moving. Instead, it was stashed in her own closet. She'd vacuumed every crumb, wiping down the prints on her coffee table as well.  

She really did feel eons better now.

Glancing at the kitchen, she frowned. She'd made lunch but it would be getting cold now. What on earth was taking Orson so long in the shower? Thea walked towards the bathroom, hand poised to knock on the door. She couldn't hear the water running anymore, so he might be getting dressed.

But would he need her help? Now that she recalled, she'd see him change his shirt, but she couldn't remember if he'd been wearing the same sweatpants the entire week. Scowling at her indecision, she knocked, "Hey Orson, do you need any help?"

She heard some rustling on the other side before a bang and a few choice words.

Her voice wavered, "Is everything fine in there?"

"Yep," the gruff voice answered.

She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. Maybe it was better for her to wait here, in case he still needed her help. The door opened and Orson stepped out, looking much better than he had done before.

His dirty-blond hair was wet with strands pointing in different directions, and the black t-shirt he was wearing was plastered to his chest. Thea frowned as she took him under assessment. Orson had always been lean, but he'd lost a lot of the muscle she'd grown accustomed to seeing.

He raised a dark eyebrow at her, "You didn't expect that I could shower myself?"

She pursed her lips, refusing to answer his question, instead she switched the subject. "I made lunch; it's getting cold."

Thea didn't wait for his answer as she passed him into the kitchen. She knew he was following her as the crutches made a small noise as he crossed the room. She quickly fussed around with the plates of food before placing them on her small dining table and sitting down.

Orson leaned against the counter, his eyes confused as he took in the buddha bowls, "You really want me to sit and eat?"

"I haven't poisoned it."

"That thought hadn't even crossed my mind, but thanks."

She wanted to smile but stopped herself. Thea watched as Orson lowered himself on the chair, carefully leaning the crutch against the back counter. She hadn't realized how small her table was. Orson's legs were stretched out on either side of her chair, not touching her but she could feel the heat. The leg with the cast felt much closer than it was. The familiar scent of hibiscus and pineapple filled the air.

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