The Armada

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"England, she is nearly here, and we have a very small navy, what do we do?" Britain looked at his older brother wondering what on earth he was planing to do about this new development. The last successful time they have been officially invaded was when HE decided to come to their shores and ruin everything they had known, was the Saxon kingdoms kind, no. But as least they were all together. But to save me, England sacrificed himself to save the rest of us, like mum during when Rome was here, and he didn't see him for a long time, but he did hear about the things he was doing around the island. 

And in 1450 he was tring (and failing) to build a fire, a group of soldiers came upon him with a familiar face he knew well. But when he went up to greet him, he saw he changed, alot. Scotty did as well, they were both harder and colder, it took him much to long to get used to court life but he did. 

"What do you think Brot-Britain, are you listening to me?" Britain jumped up in alarm and England's voice, "Sorry, I dosed off there for a second, what were you saying?" He saw his older brother roll his eyes, and re-say "We have a fleet, but it is not in good shape, I will go over there and fix some up magicly, you little brother, will stay here and not worry about me, because I have this all under control.  

'do you though, do you?'  Britain thinks doubtfully, he really wanted to help but he didn't know how. His powers are out of control every time he uses them. So much so that Europe thinks he is a freak because he lost his temper in a building and French Empire got electrocuted. England likes to look at that day with fondness, Scotty on the other hand was not as happy, she is always looking for a good reason to ally with france.  

And him, a pre-country hurting a sovereign nation was BAD. Britain watches his older brother walk out of the meeting room.  

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