The voyage home

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I hate my life. 

After the Spanish armada turned tail and ran, I got the oh so lovely pleasure to explain myself to Sir Francis Drake, may I add was NOT very happy that I snuck along on the 'lovely' expedition to protect the island. 

"I knew the description the queen gave me was wrong! And you are irresponsible! If you weren't a country I would have you whipped! What were you thinking! " I was in the captains quarters of the deck getting yelled at by a human. 

How Humiliating. 

Me, a pre-country hundreds upon hundreds years older then him and I was getting yelled at a being who hasn't even lived one century! This was NOT fair! I was the one who nearly got killed! I was the one who was the sole reason my damp island wasn't at Spain's gold increased feet.

And I was the one who was getting yelled at like I was two-hundred again! Sure I looked like I was in my mid twenties, but age in my realm was VERY different then the humans realm. And countries didn't get scolded! 

We aren't even human! If a certain law (the Untouchable Law. Created by the Roman Empire because of personifications superior strength and mind, they could and did hurt humans who could NOT defend themself in any way shape or form) wasn't in place, I would have killed him in the most gruesome way possible. 

"Are you listening to me?" I snap my head up in alarm, looks like I got too carries away thinking of all the ways I wish I could kill him. "Pardon?" Drake gives me a look I am not so familer with, one of... Pity? Sempethy? Guilt? 

He sits down next to me and looks into my, I am pretty sure glowing, ocean blue eyes. "Britain, I have heard stories of what your kind have to go through and I know that you are not human."

'No kidding'  He looked at me again, "But you personify humans, and I think that you and your kind still have a bit of humanity in you." In that moment I am pretty sure I have displayed the most out ward emotion in one sitting in centuries. 

ME, human! I don't know weather this guy was nuts or he was messing with me. Probably both. 

But I was not human. I am a country, a being who has to live centuries yearning to be a human, to have a family because in the country world, having and keeping a family is the most human thing in the world and is sacred to us, but can and will never achieve it. Having a real family is what every country dreams of, next to being the largest and most powerful empire. 

"I don't know what you mean sir." I say monotonically, I have to keep my face up, as being the dim younger brother. All countries talk monotonically  when talking to humans, as we are scard we might scare them. 

"Yes, you do." He stares into my eyes a little bit longer, "Cat'n Drake!" A sailor rushes into the tiny room, "Yes sailor?" "Land be fast approaching!" 

Drake looks at me "Lets go meet your older brother, shall we?" He leaves the room, and I am left alone. 

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