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I ARRIVED AT Noah's place sooner than I expected, and after seeing the house, I had to double-check the address. Pulling into his driveway, my eyes widened as I took everything in.

Noah's house was a spacious two-story modern home set right up against the ocean. With a mix of dark modern wood and glass windows looking out to a private beach, it looked like a celebrity home. With housing prices in California, it was easily a 10 million dollar home.

Pulling into the driveway, I parked my car in front of his large double-door garage, My mouth was agape as I got out of my car and looked around. Walking around the home, I noticed that he even had his own dock in the backyard of his home with a few large boats floating nearby.

"Hey, you made it!" Noah called from behind me, startling me.

I jumped, quickly turning to face Noah who came around the house to greet me. His blonde hair was tousled and hung around his sun-kissed face in beachy waves.

"How are you so rich?" I asked in awe, gesturing to the boats and the house.

Noah chuckled, coming to stand beside me as we looked out at the beach, "Family money, definitely not laboratory salary that's for sure." Noah added dryly, making me chuckle.

"Come on, Austin's already inside and we have a lot to discuss" Noah urged, turning to go back.

"Yeah, let's go." I responded quickly, following Noah inside his home.

The inside of his home was just as spacious and modern as the outside seemed, and I found myself glancing around each room as Noah led me through his house. Eventually, I followed him into an office-like room with a large glass table in the middle.

As Noah had said, Austin was already inside, sitting at the far end of the table. How he beat me here, I had no clue, but I decided not to question it. Instead, I admired the spacious room.

Behind him was a large window that displayed the dock and boats I had admired earlier. Glancing down at the table, I noticed it was covered in pens, books, and papers of all kinds.

Taking a closer look, I saw what looked to be some kind of building layout. My eyes widened with recognition as I came up beside the table.

"Is that a layout of the compound?" I asked, marveling at the detailed map laid out in front of me.

Austin nodded, "Yes, we'll need it for tonight."

I nodded in agreement, taking a seat. Noah sat beside me and spoke, "Just before you arrived, Austin and I were discussing logistics."

I turned to look at Noah who continued, "Austin and I have access to all the floors with our jobs, or we used to. Mine was revoked after I attacked Hunter the other day." Noah sighed.

"However, mine is not." Austin interjected, causing me to shift my focus to him, "I routinely have to come back to the lab in the middle of the night to do extra work. So, I can go in first, and I can disable the security cameras to allow you guys to enter." Austin revealed and I nodded.

"But that sounds easier than it is." Austin said again pointing at the map showing the compound's entrance, "The night shifts are the least crowded, but they are the most heavily guarded. The biggest struggle will be getting inside." Austin pointed out, looking up at Noah and me.

I thought for a moment, "We could create a diversion, pull them away from the doors." I chimed in and Noah nodded.

"I could do that, I have some leftover fireworks I could set off on the other side of the compound to get their attention. Meanwhile, you and Austin can sneak inside." Noah surmised, pointing at the map of the compound as he explained.

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