Chapter 15

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A few days flew by after visiting the town. Aeliana was having her last class of the imperial language with Leon. The clock was ticking loud yet slowly, almost seeming as if it was never going to end.

"...that is all for today. Did you understand everything I've said?" Leon's voice echoed through the quiet library.

Aeliana stared at her notes which had somewhat terrible handwriting and nodded, "Yes, everything was understandable."

Leon hummed in reply and tapped his finger against the table lightly, "This is the last class so, I will test you one last time before you leave."


'God I hate tests.' Aeliana held back the urge to groan and roll her eyes at the memories of school exams that she put her heart and soul into every single time.

Leon handed her the test and began to time her. As she wrote down her answers, her mind wandered off to how her brother was able to make tests out of nowhere and they were always never the same making it harder for her.

She only had an hour before Leon spoke, breaking the silence, "It's already an hour, stop writing and hand it to me."

Aeliana shrunk her head in and hesitantly handed him the paper. Leon looked through her answers, his eyes continuously going left and right as he did.

Then he placed the paper down and looked at her. In a toneless voice, he said,

"You got all of it correct but your handwriting needs to improve."

Aeliana heaved a relieved sigh. She was glad she didn't mess up big time or else she would have gotten a huge scolding from him.

Leon cleaned up and briefly glanced at her, "This is the last class, is there anything you want to say?"

She tilted her head to the side, she didn't have anything to say to him but since he asked she thought she might as well give him an answer.

"Thank you for teaching me bro— Leon."

Aeliana felt cold sweat running down her back when she nearly called him brother.

For some time, he didn't reply to her. He only stared at her with furrowed brows.

"...Is there something that I said?" she asked, puzzled.

Leon shook his head and walked past her, leaving her alone in the library.

She shot him a judgemental look and shrugged her shoulders. At least there were no more imperial language classes which meant she could now relax and do anything she wanted!


"Eli! I hired an etiquette tutor for you!" Cassian happily announced during their dinner.

Her brothers stopped eating and glanced at her. Aeliana nearly dropped her utensils upon hearing her father's words.

Just when she had a whole schedule planned out on how she could laze around!

Cassian pinched her chubby cheeks and laughed, "I thought you might be bored after your language class with Leon was done."

She looked at her father and shot him a smile, "Y...yayyy."


Darius covered Marius' mouth and sheepishly smiled.

Aeliana glared at Marius who was close to bursting out into laughter. Cassian didn't seem to realise anything wrong and patted her on the head.

"The tutor will be coming tomorrow, Flora will wake you up so don't worry about being late."

"Okay, daddy."

The Duke's Daughter's Third LifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin