1) Midnight Murder

9.9K 313 689

Ring! Ring!

It was 3:00 in the morning,
far too early for anyone to wake up.

The Russian pinches the bridge of his nose as he stares at the ceiling. The room was dim, only to be lit up by the buzzing cell. Who the hell was calling him at this time?

Ring! Ring!

The phone rang once more. Russia slumped over his bed, reaching out for his phone placed down on the nightstand. He squinted his eyes from the sudden brightness. Finally, picking up the call.

"Russia! Finally! You didn't answer the first time I called you, "The man from the other end chimed.

"Do you--" He grits his teeth, "have any idea what time it is." answered with his most irritated, half-awake, grouchy morning voice.

"Listen Russia, there's a reported case about an hour ago at St. Dublin Street. Think that you can make it?"


Russia hung up, sitting up straight while rubbing the side of his temples. He takes a glass of water placed on the nightstand, chugging it down as some water dribbles down his chin. Dialing his partner's number once again.

"Did you just fucking hang up on me?"

"Yeah, out of spite for waking me up in the middle of the night."

The other end sighs, "Just get your ass here, I'll send you the address. How long do you think it'll take for you to get there?"

"Ugh," His gaze still fixed upon the floor until he looked up at the ticking clock, "Give me 20 minutes, tops. I'll be quick."

"You better be. If you're late again, every minute that passes, that's 100 dollars off your paycheck."

"Wait what--"


"Wow." Russia scoffed, "Can't believe he hung up on me."

Russia laughed to himself, thinking he wasn't being serious, right?

Though, he wasn't willing to risk it just to find out.

Russia rolls off the bed, snatching his grey ushanka off the ground and tugging it onto his head as he makes his way to the window blinds to catch some fresh air.

The blinds abruptly open as the cold breeze gushes into the room. Russia looked around to see the empty streets, only to tug back the curtains to close.

He buttons up his shirt and then yanks his coat off the hanger. Spraying some cologne on himself, he didn't bother to shower, certainly not at this hour, but he still wanted to smell nice.


Russia sighed as he stepped out of his car. The blinding red and blue lights flickered, and police officers scattered across the crime scene, along with police tapes blocking the area. Out in the distance, Russia sees the familiar face of the man who dialed him earlier.


Russia waves out to get his attention while walking in his direction. Bending over the black and yellow tape.

"Well look who showed up," Germany scoffs, "Took you long enough,"

"At least I'm still on time."

"You're not." Germany points at his wristwatch, "5 minutes late, 500 bucks off your paycheck."

Russia rolls his eyes at Germany's cynical smile, "Just tell me what happened here,"

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