7) Take Flight

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"Your call is important to us here at Ivory Airlines."

Separated from Ivory Airlines' case, the Airway and Aviation industry itself is a cruel and harsh world to work in. The industry itself isn't just a company to fly you over to your desired destination, it's also an industry of hospitality and friendliness, customer services, safety and health regulations, aircraft manufacturing, and more.

Not to mention the tight and brutal rivalry between each and every airline companies trying to best one another. All known airline companies are required to work 24/7/365, non-stop selling seats and sending passengers across the globe, whatever to keep the company alive and yet not many can obtain even at least 20% of profits from their margin. Many Airlines are known to earn billions of profits, but it still doesn't cover their original revenue.

Even the biggest Airlines according to The International Air Transport Association (IATA), the most profitable earnings acquired was only around 6.16%.

With everything above mentioned, how does Ivory Airlines survive since the beginning until now. The airline itself manages to hire multiple pilots, staffs, air attendants, and aircraft workers. They've bought themselves many aircrafts at an outstanding rate throughout the years, opened new routes across the country, and had been one of the fastest growing airlines for the past 30 years? There's no plausible way for them to be breaking even, let alone making money.

"Why did you start your investigation now? Why didn't you do it years before the plane crashes happened?" America looks at China from across the table who's reading a newspaper, leaning back in his seat and not paying attention to the man in front.

"Because back then I was focusing on growing my own company. And because we couldn't find an investor that's crazy enough to continue on with this project until now. Mr. Fjord wasn't the first case that you policemen turn a blind eye from, there had been many cases that just weren't published into the media. And because we couldn't reach out to Russia for help until now," China answers as he flips the pages, scanning through the newspaper, "And another reason, because last week, this caught my eye."

China tosses the newspaper onto the table between them, an article facing towards America. He looks at the first headline on the top of the page that reads;

Ivory Airlines CEO, running
for Secretary of Treasury

"If that man happens to manage the finances and this country's economy, it'll crumble. I can't just sit still and let it slide, this impact can become bigger than any of us realize. This man has covered up the murder of an innocent man, just imagine what he could do if he had the entire country to cover up what he's done!" China shouts.

"Well," America looks down on his watch, "I'm not good with politics, is Russia going to come down any sooner?"

China rolls his eyes from America's response, "He's your partner, don't ask me."

"Why are you recruiting him anyway? Couldn't you find someone else who's..." America trails off, attempting to find the most fitting word without sounding harsh, "...more professional?"

"Are you calling Russia unprofessional?"

America was taken aback from China's cold glare and nonchalant tone, "No, no! I don't mean that! I-I mean, why Russia specifically?"

"I'm just messing with you," China chuckles.

He takes a sip of his drink, "I wasn't looking for a genius or anything, I was just searching for someone who's willing to work, work, work and wouldn't back out of the mission. I've known Russia for a lot longer than you know, so it's easy for me to say that I put a lot of trust in his judgement and commitment." 

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