stuart "stu" macher

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"Never blame another person for your personal choices,you are still the one who must live out the  consequences of your choices - Caroline myss

Ever since you were little,you're older twin sister Sidney prescott would always blame you for something that she did

You always tried to tell you're parent's that you didn't do it but they would never listen to you and would always believe your sister

As you got older ,you stopped trying to convince you're parent's that it wasn't you're fault but Sidney's,you noticed that they would always take her side

But as the unloved child and the black sheep of the family,you knew thing's that you're sister didn't

Like how you're father has a drinking problem or like how you're mother likes to sleep around with other men that wasn't you're father

You found it kinda of funny, you could just imagine you're sister's face when she founds out that her perfect family wasn't so perfect after all

One day you decided to follow you're mother and you had witnessed mr.loomis and you're mom walking into a motel room together

Mr.loomis is the father of billy loomis, who is you're sister's boyfriend,you met him a couple of time's and he was an okay guy but he deserves someone way better then Sidney

That day after you witness Mr.loomis and you're mom together, Billy's mom left and you decided to pay billy a little vist

Climbing up the side of his house ,you knocked on his window ,a few seconds later the window open but it wasn't billy  , no it was stu macher ,Billy's bestfriend, you never really met him before, you saw him around school and in class but neither of you talked to each other before ,expect for that one time ,he asked for a pencil

"Who are you?" He asked "freezing, let me in" you said ,it was a bit chilly but with the wind it made it pretty cold outside

Stu moved aside and let you inside "y/n?what are you doing here?" Billy asked from where he was sitting on the bed

You sigh grabbing a blanket that was laying around and you wrapped it around yourself "it wasn't that cold outside " stu told you but you glared at him "it was for me" you replied

"So..billy who is this?" Stu asked gesturing to you "this is y/n , Sidney's younger twin sister/brother" billy told him

"Wait,Sidney has a twin" stu said with a shock expression "yeah,that's everyone reaction when I tell them I'm Sidney's twin" you said with a eye roll

"You're hot" you look over at stu who blushed and looked away "thank you, you're hot too, but I'm not here to tell you guy's how hot you are " you said before looking at billy

"I'm sorry about your mom leaving you but do you why your mom left?" You asked

"No, she didn't say anything about it, she just..left " billy replied "do you know something?do you know why my mom left?" Billy questioned

"It was you're dad and my mom fault, your dad was cheating on your mom with my mom ,followed my mom yesterday and saw her and your dad together,came here to tell you " you told him throwing the blanket off of you as you were warm enough

Billy just stared at you as if he was in thought and you can fell stu staring at you as well "does Sidney know?"

You scoff "as if,she'll probably defend mom and say it wasn't her,or probably blame me for mom cheating , Sidney's to naive and just plain stupid that she doesn't noticed that her little perfect family isn't so perfect " you said crossing your arm's

Matthew lillard imagines and one-shots || book two حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن