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A smile hovered on Sebastian's lips as he arrived at his office this morning. Over his coffee and the splendid breakfast made by his maid, Leigh, he had thought of his plan in seducing his little secretary Miss Andin Williams. A lively sense of anticipation tingled through his body as he swung the door open, fully expecting Andin to be at her table. Yet it quickly died down when he noticed that there was no sign of her arrival. Her usual brown coat was not in the hanger and her desk was still cleared, looking precisely as it had been when he had left his office last Friday.

Where the hell was she? Or perhaps excitement had made him arrive earlier than he had thought.

He moved his arm and checked his watch. It was fifteen minutes past nine. He had not arrived early, she had been the one arriving late! He had never known her to be here before him. She had always been punctual. Her failure to do so today was aggravating, especially since he had sent her a text telling her that he needed to discuss something with her first thing in the morning. He had even put a note that it was urgent.

He loudly sighed and walked towards his own office through the connecting door. Always being productive at all times, he turned on his computer and started to work as he ignored his inquiring mind that wondered where his secretary had been and with who. He shook his head as if trying to shake those thoughts away.

An hour later, Sebastian closed his eyes and tried his best to calm his raging temper. He had hardly done any work for the last hour, distracted by Andin's absence this morning and the desire pooling inside of him. Even though he chastised himself over and over again that it was stupid to mess with his secretary, someone as great and caliber as Andin, he could not entirely stop his body from desperately wanting her.

Sure, he'd planned to satisfy his desire with London but he was not sure that it would work, that it would be enough. Still, his pride was too big not to even give it a try. He was Sebastian Summers, after all, the CEO of Summers Entertainment. Not only had he carried his company, but he also carried the Summers name. His family was old money, they had been the strongest, richest, most powerful family in the U.S. for decades. How would it sound if some cheesy tabloids heard about his desire for his secretary?

Having a relationship with models or actresses was much simpler. He liked his women as deep as puddles who would move on quickly to the next actor or rock star or athlete after the relationship ended. The kind of woman who would not expect him to put a ring on her finger — and he highly doubted that Andin would fall into this category. That alone should have been a fair warning. He was not ready for marriage. Hell, if it was any indication, he had not even thought about it at all. His sole focus was to grow Summers Entertainment into something bigger than it had ever been and to find his long-lost brother.

Sebastian decided right there and then that he would stick to his plan. He would try to satisfy his irrational desire for his secretary with London Starr and if it did not work then he would seduce Andin. He would seduce her with all his might until she was weak on her knees and begged for just one night of passion with him. Once this irresistible temptation was sated, he would move on. Yes, right before that night happened, he would tell her beforehand that it was pure sex and nothing more. Nothing was to be repeated and should be treated as the mutual agreement of two adults to satisfy their desire for one another. Nothing more.

Once he sorted his mind, he was feeling more at ease. He had called London earlier this morning to meet him at the hotel that they had always used as their love tryst. At lunchtime, he would go there, and hopefully, this raging, quite vexing desire for his little secretary would dissipate. Then after a week or two, he would end things with London. Not because he had grown tired of her. No man would grow tired of a passionate and insatiable mistress such as London. However, his reliable antenna had recently picked up that she might have begun to foresee a different role in his life. She wanted something more from him and she had begun to be more possessive, more demanding. He recognized the signals and knew that the relationship was doomed to end soon.

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