CHAPTER 51- THE MEET ~ Farhan 💀

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F A R H A N :-

"Are you sure this is the place?" I ask pointing at the large farmhouse in front of me.

"I am," Fanaa baji nods, "I even have the address saved with me,"

"Alright." I nod walking along the driveway, "So do you know who called you?"

"It was boy not much younger than you. Said he wanted a doctor to treat his cousins." She says. "I was suspicious, so I kept my live location on which gets recorded. When I got there I was shocked to see Ayesha."

I frown, "I still don't understand how Ayesha ended up here."

"That," Fanaa baji says as we reach the main door, "You need to ask the owner of this house."

She rings the bell, and I wait anxiously for the door to open.

Footsteps fall near the door and I step back away from the peep hole.

"Who is there?" A man asks.

That voice sounded familiar.

"It's me Dr. Fanaa, I brought the medicines for Sakina." Fanaa baji says.

The door unlocks and the opens, revealing the owner.

I suppress my anger as he smiles and let Fanaa baji in, when I step in front of him his smile falters and he staggers back.


"Yes, me." I reply before lifting my hand to punch his face.

Fanaa baji gasps looking at his face.

I step inside and close the door behind me. "I have a lot of work to be done with you." I grit out.

He holds his face and glares at me wincing, "I always say no to the deal breaker."

"Do you now?" I lunge at him again, grabbing his collar, "Do you now, Mr. Dorok Arsel?"

"Alright calm down your whistle." He chuckles nervously, "I swear I could explain."

I push him away, "Save it. Tell me where—"

"Down the hallway, second room." He says holding his face. "Hey doc, anything to repair this?"

"Ice bag would do." Fanaa baji says.

I shake my head before walking down the hallway to the room he said, the door was slightly ajar and I froze seeing her back.

I put my hand on the handle and take a deep breath.

This is the moment I have been waiting for the past three days. I couldn't be getting a cold feet now.

With a determined thought, I pushed open the door and my feet froze, her back was to me. She was shuffling something in front of her.

"What's with the commotion out there Fanaa baji?" She asks.

Her voice. I've been dying to hear it. The voice I didn't thought I would ever hear again.

"By the way you—" she turns around with a tablet bottle in her hand and pauses seeing me.

Her eyes widen and the bottle slips from her hold.

"Farhan?" She whispers.

I waste no time and walk towards her, and in three long strides, she ran towards me and wrapped her hands around my neck and I grab her waist holding her closer.

I hold her closer to me, her scent enveloping me, making me feel closer to my home. The one which I was separated from. The fear of losing her, the pain thinking I won't be able to ever hold her, everything vanished the moment I saw her.

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