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Explosions went off.

It had been months since the wedding. In that time, SHIELD fell and was revealed as HYDRA. Some had gotten away with important artifacts like the scepter that had the mind stone. They had been going after HYDRA bases for awhile before it landed them here. It was the last one and in Sokovia.

There were many HYDRA soldiers with upgraded weapons that fired an awful lot like Chitauri weapons. They had a big defense and it made them call a code green.

Every member of the Avengers was currently fighting. She rode on a motorcycle with Bucky; he was shooting targets down while he drove and she used her abilities. Often, she'd just have her vines come out and fling the enemies somewhere.

But explosions were going off and some fired weapons at the motorcycle. But Bucky expertly evaded the shots and explosions as he drove around them.

Then they all converged towards a bob-wire fence. Bucky lifted the bike and went flying through the air as they jumped over the fence before landing back down.

She let out a little squeak as they did so, "I hate riding with you."

"What?" Bucky said offended. "I don't even go that fast."

They flew through the trees of the facility and her grip on him turned her knuckles white, "It's pretty fast."

He chuckled as they took out bad guys. Tony in his Iron Man suit flew up to the facility at the top of the hill and he ran into an invisible forcefield, "Shit!"

"Language!" she and Steve both called out over the comms before Steve said. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last," Thor stated.

Nat knocked out some soldiers before she spoke, "At long last is lasting a little long."

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise," Clint chipped in.

"Wait a second," Tony said. "No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap and Snow just said language?"

"I know," Steve sighed. "It just slipped out."

"It's a bad language word!" she argued with pout as she flew through the trees with Bucky. "We were justified."

"Whatever you say, Snowflake," Tony teased and she just knew he was smirking.

She shook her head as she continued taking out bad guys. And Bucky kept shooting. Then they heard Steve over the comms, "We have an enhanced in the field."

Although, they quickly learned about the enhanced as a blur moved past them. Suddenly, the motorcycle tipped forward and she went flying off of it along with Bucky. They rolled over the ground before they came to a stop.

"Yeah," Bucky frowned as he laid against the ground for a moment in pain. "Kind of learned that too late."

Then Nat was heard, "Clint's hit!"

Eira felt like her breath had been knocked out of her. Bucky got up before she did and he picked her up off the ground before setting her on her feet. He rubbed her back slightly, "You okay, butterfly?"

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