31 - a long night

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(4:08am, maddie's pov)
i don't know how long i'd been asleep for, but i woke up with chris asleep next to me. i looked over at him, with a feeling of nausea again and feeling super hot, even though chris had opened the windows for me and turned on the air conditioning.
i sat up super quickly and grabbed the bucket off the floor, and puked into it.
how was i still throwing up? how was there still food coming up??
i hated this so much.
i couldn't sleep with this dirty ass bucket in here now, because it was gross and it would start to make the room smell bad after a while. i gently knudged chris to wake him, and surprisingly it was very easy to wake him up. he immediately looked over at me.
"you okay?" he asked. i shook my head
"i threw up into the bucket again" i replied, pointing to it. he stared at it for a few seconds, then sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"i'll go clean it, it's fine" he said, standing up and putting his hood up. "do you want me to bring you up more water? or some medicine?"
"just some cold water please" i said, as he picked up the bucket.
"alright. i'll be five minutes" he said, leaving the room to clean the bucket.

it had been around five minutes and chris came back, and put the clean bucket next to my side of the bed and climbed in next to me. he passed me my cold water bottle, which i drank and made me feel a lot better.
"you feeling any better? is the temperature in here alright for you?" he asked. he was shivering.
"yeah, yeah it's fine" i replied "are you sure you don't mind if the windows open? you look freezing"
he was literally wearing socks, a hoodie, and sweatpants. this was literally what someone would wear in the day.
"yeah. as long as you're okay.. that's all that matters." he murmured quietly, drifting back to sleep as he scruffed my hair. i smiled.
"goodnight chrissy" i whispered.
"goodnight maddie. get better soon"

it was the next morning now. i woke up at 9am, feeling slightly better, but i felt dizzy.
i decided to sit up slightly and scroll through tiktok on my phone. chris was asleep still, but i could hear noise from the kitchen. i wasn't sure who it was but i could hear my parents so i wasn't sure if nick or matt were up yet.
i began to feel kind of nauseous again, but i didn't think i was going to throw up. or at least i tried convincing myself i wouldn't. i drank some water from the cold bottle chris got me a few hours ago, and took some deep breaths. my stomach was really hurting again, so i decided i should try go to the bathroom.
i got out of the bed and headed out chris' room, but as soon as i opened the door (again) i felt a wave of nausea hit me, and i didn't have time to run to the bathroom because of how dizzy i was, as i puked all over the floor, and all over the t shirt i was wearing.
the bathroom door opened, and nick came out with a concerned look on his face.
"maddie?? are you alright?? what the fuck just happened??" he asked, rushing over to me and moving my hair out of my face. i didn't answer. i was still bent over, deciding if i was done. i was done.
"i was really sick last night" i explained, coughing.
"i know, matt told me. i'm sorry sweetie, hold on, i'll go get dad to clean this up, do you think you're finished?"
i nodded.
"alright, go sit by the toilet just in case, i'll be up in five minutes" nick said, helping me over to the bathroom. he vanished downstairs as i shut the bathroom door, knelt infront of the toilet. i was so sick.

five minutes later, as nick promised, he was back with dad. i could hear matt as well talking to them, he was probably woken up by all the noise. nick opened the door to the bathroom, peeking his head inside.
"any more?" he asked. i shook my head. "okay, that's good."
he came in and closed the door behind him, holding one of his plain white t shirts that he had a billion of.
"take your t shirt off and put this clean one on, matt will put it in the washing machine"
i nodded, as i took the vomit stained t shirt off (i was wearing a tank top under) and put the new white one over my tank top. nick took the t shirt and passed it to matt, who was outside. he wiped my mouth with a cold rag he had brought up, and then helped me down to his bedroom so i could get some more rest, considering i hadn't gotten any last night.
dad and matt were cleaning the hallway. they had both asked if i was okay. i said yes even though i was far from it, but surely that was it for now and i would be feeling better for school by tomorrow.

hey guys!! i'm so sorry this part took so long - i've been so busy recently with exams and obv i was sick like i said in the last part and i was losing motivation to write but considering i'm on school holidays now hopefully there will be updates more often☺️AND THANK U FOR 13K READS!!!!

maddie sturniolo: the triplets younger sister♡ Where stories live. Discover now