Chapter 10: Beauty And Love

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"Hephaestus, are you not tired? You've been working like crazy for a week. Do you intend to stay here forever?" I asked while staring at the God of Craftsmanship. "I like watching you to work, but do not busy yourself too much."

Hephaestus stopped what he was doing. His electric orbs went to me.

It's been a week since we went to the 'Coast of Cytheria' and meet Dionysus. After that day, Hephaestus quickly packed our things and we moved to another island. I don't know about this place, but Hephaestus told me that we will temporarily live here.

As a result, Hephaestus bought a house and remodeled it. He had been working for a week to fix this house, and I was starting to get worried about him. This house is already comfortable for me, but Hephaestus won't listen to me...

"It will be done this afternoon," Hephaestus replied. "And you don't have to watch me while I am working. It is better if you can take a walk outside with Aphrodite."

I frowned while staring at him.

"I guess I am not a hostage anymore," I mumbled.

A smile appeared on his face. It seems like he heard what I said.

"Correct, you are now my guest. And you've acted like a guest from the very beginning, what's the point of restricting you as a captive?" Hephaestus answered me with a smirk.

Well, he has a point.

I've been acting like a shameless nymph from the very beginning. Whether I'm a hostage or a guest doesn't matter anymore.

But I am happy that he slowly opened up to me.

Hephaestus walks in my direction.

He suddenly took out an emerald bracelet from his pocket as he sat next to me. I stared at him in confusion when he suddenly took my hand and slipped the bracelet onto my arm.

My eyes went wide while staring at the emerald bracelet.

"It looks like your hair. I've been keeping that stone for a decade. I decided to craft a bracelet for you since I don't have a use for it." His eyes were staring at me when he said those words.

"Why are you giving this thing to me...?" I unconsciously asked.

"You don't like it?" He asked calmly.

I quickly pulled my hand and wrapped the emerald bracelet on my chest.

"Of course, I like it! I'm just asking why," I replied to him. "You didn't put something on this bracelet... Right? Like a trap?"

"Why would I put something like that on my gift?" He frowned. "You are with me... You're already trapped with me."

"Is that a pick-up line?" I chuckled.

Hephaestus took a deep sigh and went back to work. The little smirk on my face was quickly replaced by a frown when left me there.

"Another strange word," He mumbled.

It was crystal clear, Hephaestus didn't get my joke.

Geez, it is really hard to humor this Deity, but I could forgive him for giving me this beautiful emerald bracelet. In my past life and in this life, this is the first time that a man gave me jewelry, so this is really special for me.

Hehe, plus the fact that it was given to me by the person I simp the most.

"If he is really in love with you, he should've given you a ring, Mother," A girl with Goldilocks hair suddenly appeared before me. "But no one could deny the quality of this Emerald. It looks good on you."

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