Chapter 23

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Everything hurts. My head, my eyes, my stomach, my fingers- everything. It's like my entire body is one throbbing mess of pain.

I suck in a sharp breath when I try to open my eyes. The lights are freaking blinding!

I move my wrists but immediately my skin feels like its on fire. I scream.


The bastards are trying to kill me. Panic curses through me.

I have a baby.

Oh god, she could be hurt already or maybe even dead. I will kill them all, every last one of them if that's the case.

"Well, well, well. Look who raised from the dead." A voice says and I recognize it. It takes me a moment to figure it out.


The bastard.

"You were out a long time you know. Five days. I didn't think either of you were gonna make it." His voice becomes closer and I stiffen. He knows.

Of course he does, he's a wolf too, Kat.

"You know you surprised us all with that information. It does help you a lot in this occasion, though." His voice becomes scarily closer. "We can't torture you as much as we wanted to but, all things come with a price my dear."

I inch my face away from his hot breath and he chuckles.

"You can open your eyes you know." He whispers.

If anything I squeeze them even tighter together. No way in hell did I want to see his ugly face.

He laughs again and backs away from me. I listen as he walks away and I start to sweat at the thought that he might be leaving me here. The light behind my eyelids dim and I relax a little.

I squint an eye open. Then pop them both open. Blonde is leaning against the far wall watching me.

I look down at myself. I'm still wearing the blue scrubs from work which now have splotches of red all over them. My hands are chained to the wall and one glance shows that, yes, they are laced with wolves bane.

I also seem to notice that my stomach is bigger. Maybe it's because I'm sitting one the ground.

Or maybe because you've been out for five days.

I sigh.

"What the hell am I doing here?" I ask staring right into his grey eyes.

He smirks and pushes himself from the stone wall. He struts toward me and sits on the ground right out of my foots reach.

"You, my friend, are very valuable." He says.

"To who?" I ask. I'm valuable to Alex. Well, I wouldn't even call that value.

He grins. "Think." His grin falls off his face. "You've met him before."

I frown. Alpha? He sure would be furious to see me like this right now. I bet everyone in that pack is looking for me. I swallow down the regret and think.

Don seems like a capable candidate but he most likely is still in the hospital. He does have more to tell me but would he go out if his way to talk with rogues about it? No. No one would.

"How exactly do you know this person wants me?" I ask.

Pack wolves aren't into the whole 'let's get help from rogues'. Was this even help though? He technically has me held captive and is using wolves bane on me. No other pack wolf would ask that of another, right?

Blonde shrugs. "I have.... ears in places that I need them to be, so that is how I know that someone wants you."

I narrow my eyes. "Just tell me who it is."

"Gage. Alpha Gage Mason." His face curls into a snarl. "Sick bastard is doing everything he can to get you back."

I stare at him, shocked. He wants me back.


Oh god, no.

I put up walls. I recovered. I don't need him.

"Yes we do!" My wolf yells.

I shake my head, heart thumping. "No, you can't. I don't want to."

His face brightens. His emotion are all over the place. "That's too bad. Because he has something we need and as a trade you will go with him and I will get what I want." He gets up from the ground and stands by the door. "Except he won't be getting what he wants because someone else will."

I sit there feeling as confused as ever. He just said that he will be getting what he wants but then he said he wasn't going to get me. Some one else will.

I have a strange feeling that I'm not going to like this person.

Blonde walks out of the room before I can ask him anything.

Tears gather in my eyes. He wants me back. Gods, I can't even say his name anymore. I swallow and force the name into my head.

Gage wants me back. My mate wants me back. He's looking for me. But he's not going to get me. My chest tightens and the tears spill over.

I don't give second chances.

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